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Alex's P.O.V
3 months later

   I stand in front of a mirror , Laff in behind me, crying tears of joy. My step dad, George Washington, is fixing my suite.

Yeah I know, George, as in my boss. He's also my stepdad. Why do you think I stay working for his stupid company anyway?

He tightens my green tie.

"I'm so proud of you." He smiles with a tear slipping down his face.

I know I'm suppose to be happy, but there's something holding me back from being happy. What is this feeling? Nervous? Anxious? Sad? Mad? Glad?

I'm emotionless..

I try my best to fake a smile. What's wrong with me? Please let me be happy Jesus!

Then I remember.


Why is he in my mind? Is he here? Did we invite him? God I hope he's not here. I dont want to see him.

Snap out of it, Hamilton. You love John. John loves you. Forget Thomas. He bullied you your whole life. He's a dumb bitch and will never love you. Get. Over. Him.

I turn around to hug my dad and hug laff. I breath in as I step out on the isle, arm in arm with Laff and George. I see Laurens standing there, with a Red tie. Green and red. They combine. They are Christmas colors. I got a Starbucks gift card on Christmas. I saw Thomas at Star Bucks. I almost kissed Thomas at Star Bucks. I have always loved Thomas. I want Thomas.

My trail of thought stops when I'm standing in front of John, whose crying tears of joy as well. I feel a tear come down my cheek.

Its not a tear of joy.

I look out into the crowd. I scan the people. No Jefferson. I sigh relief. Before I can turn my head, I see someone in the back. Hes taller then everyone else. There's sun shining on him. His hair is a fluffy mess. His eyes filled with tears.

They weren't tears of joy.

His chocolate brown eyes filled with doubt.

Its Thomas.

He's crying.

Hes sad.

Sad would actually be an understatement.

Holy fuck.

"Alexander. Do you take Johns hand in marriage, To love and cherish him, To be with him until death do us part, and be his soulmate?"

I stare at John, waiting for my response. His tears are flowing rapidly. His smile widens.

I love John. Johns my soulmate. We're in love. No one else has my heart.

Holy fuck.

I was sitting at desk, furious typing on my laptop. I was finishing writing a article about the recent decision by the government to destroy a clothing store a turn it into a parking lot. Angry was an understatement.

I was furious.

I finally finish, looking over to my pancil, highlighter, and red sharpie. I pick up my red sharpie and decide to draw on wrist. I draw half of a heart. I can't bring myself to draw the other half.

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