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Alex's P.O.V

I kept running.

Where was I going?

I dont know.

I finally stopped at a lake. The sun was now setting, covering the lake with a dark yellow orange color. Ducks were flying away into the sky. There was a tiny bench near the water. I plopped down in the middle of the bench and stared out onto the water.
What have I done?

Why am I so stupid? I loved John. What the hell happened. Then I remember


I threw a rock at the water from the thought of him.
I hate him! He ruiened my life!

That son of a bitch.
I could have lived my life out perfectly with the man I loved. I could have been happy for once!

The love of my life had to tear it all apart.

I screamed as loud as I can making sure the fish knew how angry I was.
A hot tear starts to roll down my face from the top of my eye, all the way down to the curve of my lip. I wiped it away and curled up into a ball.

God please fix my problems

As I was praying, I heard tiny footsteps come up behind me. Its probualy some stranger walking their dog. Not like I cared. This random person sat down on the tiny spot I left open on the bench. I scooted over a little bit having some kindness in me.

Third Person

Thomas ran after Alexander. Making sure to keep his pace. After a while, Alex was far away and out of sight. Thomas started going wherever he could. He searched everywhere for Alex.
After searching and scanning (FOR ANSWERS IN EVERY LINE. FOR SOME KIND OF SIGN . OF WHEN YOU WERE MINEEEEEEEEEEEEE.please send helphe gave up.

Thomas P.O.V

After searching and scanning, I gave up. I sat down in the middle of the grass field, Hills towering over me. I ball up and start to cry.
Please help me god

After praying , I heard a wind come in. The wind was strong enough to blow a piece of very tall grass out of the way and made room for a view of one of the hills. On top was a tiny bench.
What the fuck does that help me with? I shrug my shoulders sadly and start to make my way up the hill
Before I reach the top I see a tiny man sitting in the middle of the bench, curled up as well.


I freeze. What do I do? Do I confront him? Do I walk away? Do I make fun of him?

I slowly walk up to him deciding to go for it. I walk up and sit down on the tiny piece of bench left over and stare out onto the lake he doesn't even lift his head. Is he that upset?

After a little bit, he moves over, giving me more space. I take the space and wait until he says something. What should I do now? Talk? Get up? Push him into the lake? Kiss him?

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