Hitting the Books

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From my spot on the floor, I see Josh, Ash, and Chris disappear upstairs. I curl up and continue to read, going over the signs of Schizophrenia. I have a paper on the condition due after the winter break. Suddenly, Josh rushes by me. "Josh?" I stand up. He ignores me and keeps walking. "Josh? What's wrong?" I start to follow him. 

"Leave me alone, Lilah!" He turns to me, yelling. I freeze, my hands shaking. Fear is written all over my face. I can't handle people yelling at me. "Oh, God. I'm so sorry. I just..."

"It's fine. Go. I'll be okay. I gotta hit the books anyways," I softly say. He looks conflicted. He seems like he wants to stay, but also as if he has something else important to do. 

He steps forward and grabs my hand. "I'm sorry," he says before turning and leaving. I curl back up by the fire. Soon, I find myself drifting off to sleep. It feels like it's been ages since I've slept.

(This is right after 'Psycho' takes Ash and Chris away) I'm woken up by footsteps walking around me. I keep my eyes closed, pretending to be asleep. I know everyone's step pattern. It sounds like Josh's, but heavier. I feel someone put a blanket over me and stand there for a moment. I open one eye. Looking in the reflection on the vase, I see a masked man standing over me. After staring for a little longer, he leaves. I'm freaking out. Moving very methodically, I grab my knife from my boot. In one swift motion, I stand up and run at the man. He turns in time to dodge my knife. He grabs my wrist and squeezes, causing me to drop my knife and whimper. His grip loosens for a second before tightening back up again, as if hearing me whimper like that upset him. I bring one leg up and kick him in the abdomen, causing him to let me go. "SAM! ASH! CHRIS!" I yell out, turning and running. I hear running footsteps after me. Suddenly, something collides with the back of my head. I fall to the ground, faint. My Psychology textbook falls right next to me, it was used to knock me out (I GUESS SHE REALLY DID HAVE TO HIT THE BOOKS, HUH?!). The masked figure stands over me as I loose consciousness. 

"Lilah! Lilah, are you okay?!" I hear a voice yell at me. My eyes flutter open to see nothing but blurs. I begin patting around me, looking for my glasses. "Here," Chris' voice says as he slides the glasses on my face. 

I blink rapidly and look around. "What happened?" I ask. I go to stand up, but I'm hit with a wave of dizziness. I stumble and fall back down. My head is throbbing, so I reach up. I pull back and wince when I touch a large bump forming on the back of my head. My eyes land on my Psych book and I remember what happened. "Oh, my God! Ashley?! Where is she?" I ask. Chris looks concerned. 

"I don't know. I just woke up and saw you here. Jesus, Ash," he helps me stand up. "We got to find her." Suddenly, I feel dizzy again. I wobble a little and Chris catches me. "Woah, woah. I got you," he says, tightening his grip. He pulls me close. "Just, hold on," he grab my arm and wraps it around his back. I grab onto his coat tightly. We begin walking around the lodge. He sees something on the floor, so he props me against the wall and bends down to pick it up. "Oh no. Not good," He shows me Ash's wallet. He shoves it into his pocket and he picks me back up off the wall. We open the door to see blood splattered on the wall. "What the fuck? Oh, shit, no," he whines with worry. We turn right and continue down the hall. He lead me outside. We both look at the stairs then at each other. "Here," He squats some, allowing me to jump on his back. He carries me down the stairs as I point the flashlight. He sets me back down in the snow and we continue as we were. As we walk down the trial, Chris keeps calling out for Ashley. We make it into a small shack. I instantly get a horrible feeling. We hear Ash sobbing. We walk into one room to see an odd lever. When we step close, lights switch on, causing us both to jump. 

"Hello, and thank you all for joining me. Tonight, we're going to conduct a little experiment. A sort of test. Now, for this experiment, we'll need the cooperation of our two test subjects... Joshua and Ashley..." A voice says through loud speakers. Chris props me up on the window as he rushes to open the door. "But, we're going to need one more brave participant to help decide... Which subject will live and which will die," Both Josh and Ash cry out, begging. I feel as though I'm cemented in place. I can't move. "Please, please. Everyone calm down. It's all very simple. Christopher, you will find a lever placed directly in front of you. All you have to do is choose who you will save." The saw starts up. I start having a panic attack. My heart is in my throat and feels as though I'll choke to death if it beats one more time. Everyone's yelling is meshed together in a horrible blur. I'm sweating, but I'm cold. "I see. You've chosen to save Ashley," I'm willing my feet to move, to run, but they won't cooperate. My brain is yelling at me, words faster than I can comprehend. I close my eyes tightly as I hear Josh's screaming. Finally, a burst of energy runs through me and I run out of the shack. I fall into the snow, sobbing, freaking out. I hear frantic voices above me. I need to focus on something. The voices! There's Uhhh.. There's Matt and Emily and Ash and Chris. 

"Why are we still talking about this? Let's go," Emily says.

Chris speaks up as well. "Come on, Ash. Give me a hand," I feel two pairs of hands grab both of my arms. I'm pulled onto my feet. Propped between two warm bodies, I continue to sob. "Sh... Shh... It's okay..." Chris whispers. "We're gonna get help and it'll all be okay..." 

Ashely: 8/10
Chris: 8/10
Emily: 3/10
Jess: 4/10
Josh: 8/10
Matt: 4/10
Mike: 4/10
Sam: 8/10

Charitable: 5/10
Funny: 6/10
Brave: 6/10
Romantic: 5/10
Curious: 7/10


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