Dawn (UNCANNON ending one)

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(This ending is my preferred ending for the story and it is not ANY of the cannon endings in the game. This ending is TOTALLY original)

I hear noise from behind me, so I turn around. Just then, a skinny Wendigo towers over me. It screeches in my face. I stand absolutely still. I feel tears run down my face when I see the butterfly tattoo. I look at her mutated, distorted face. You can't even tell that she was once a beautiful, smart girl. The only indicator of her past life is her tattoo. A soft sob escapes my lips. The Wendigo's hand reaches up to my cheek. Her sharp, claw-like hand cuts my cheek. I feel the warm blood mix with my tears. A soft whimper escapes my lips, but Hannah doesn't attack. "Hannah..." I softly say, reaching up. I place my hand on her face and a soft, purr-like sound comes from her. Suddenly, a noise from the distance draws her attention. She screeches again and darts off in the direction of the noise. I hear a groan in the distance. "Josh," I gasp quietly. I continue on my hunt to find him. I limp, ignoring the blood dripping onto my shirt. Finally, I set eyes on the familiar form in the dark. "Josh!" I rush over and get on my knees next to his curled up figure.

"She's... Hannah, she-.." He sobs softly and buries his face into my shoulder.

I run my fingers through his hair. "I know... I know..." I whisper. I let him cry for a little bit. "We need to go," I say when I hear another sound. He nods and I help him stand up. We both lean on each other as we make our way through the mines. I keep humming Killer Queen to myself.


"Yes, Josh?"

"Thank you," he softly says.

I chuckle softly. "For?"

"For not giving up on me."

"Of course I wouldn't. I told you not to leave me again. Had to make sure you'd made good on your end of the deal," I lightly say. We soon reach the first jump of the bridge. Slowly, but surely, we make it to the tall wall Sam and I climbed.

Josh begins to climb down, using the safe route. I follow soon after. My hand slips on the next to last rock and I begin to fall. "I got you," Josh says as he catches me. "I got you," he repeats. We begin walking through the tunnel, hands interlocked.

When we reach the ladder, I speak up. "I'll go first," I say, gripping the bars. Once I get to the top, I lace my knees, ankles, and thighs around the bars to hold myself steady. I push up on the grate, opening it. Josh then climbs up the ladder after me. I lean down to close it, but I can't lift the grate by myself. Josh tries to help, but that only hurt him more. I push it with my foot, covering 2/3 of the hole. "Let's go," I say when I hear a Wendigo after us. We rush through the halls. We end up back in the basement. Ashley, Chris, and Em all stare at us.

"Oh, fuck!" Chris rushes over and wraps us both in a tight hug. Ashley then hugs me.

Em walks over. Out of the blue, she pulls me into a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're okay!" She sighs. I hug her back.

(Gonna change up the action sequence here) "You too," I smile. There's another screech behind us. "We gotta move it. Upstairs. Let's go!" I yell. We all rush up the stairs. As we go toward the front door, a wendigo lands on the chandelier. "Don't move," I whisper, standing absolutely still. They all follow my instructions. Soon, Mike and Sam rush in and do the same. I watch closely as the Wendigos all keep and eye on each other. I feel a hand slip into mine. It softly squeezes so I squeeze back. My grip tightens when they fight each other. As Hannah rips the head off of another Wendigo, I see Mike slowly walking toward the light switch. I see a Wendigo sneak up on Hannah. I decide to save her. I squeeze Josh's hand on last time before letting go. I run across the room, across from my friends. I yell out the first thing that pops in my head. "RIP HER TITS OFF!" The causes the Wendigo who was going after Hannah to turn it's attention to me. Chris runs out. I stand completely still. Suddenly, Hannah attacks that Wendigo as it moves, saving me. After Mike busts the lightbulb, Hannah goes after him.

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