Dawn (Cannon ending/Wendigo/Exor Josh.)

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(This ending is based off the cannon ending where everyone lives and Josh is found, partially mutated. At this point, Lilah's been in the mines for a while.)
I walk through the empty mines, staying completely silent. I really put myself in quite the predicament. Unarmed in a mine with monsters who eat people? Smart one, Lilah. I hear noises echo around me. Freezing, I hold my breath. A wendigo jumps on the wall beside me. I clench my fist, trying to keep fear from overcoming me. It jumps right in front of me. I notice the tattoo on her arm. It's Hannah. I close my eyes tightly as I tear runs down my cheek. She leans in very close, so I make the foolish mistake of stepping back. Hannah screeches at me, clawing down my face. I fall to the ground, thoughts racing through my mind. I'm going to die. I know it. I'm going to die and my best friend is gonna kill me. "Caviar and cigarettes. Well versed in etiquette. Extraordinarily nice," I start mumbling to myself to keep calm. Suddenly, Hannah grabs my ankle. She starts dragging me away. I feel warm blood rush from my cheek. I would fight, but it's useless. I let her drag me away to wherever she's gonna kill me. I close my eyes tightly, wishing for a quick, painless death. I continue to hum softly to myself. Suddenly, I'm set in the cold snow. I open my eyes to find myself in the snowy woods. I sit up and look around. I see Hannah retreating back into the mines. I stand up and try to follow her back in. I can't leave Josh in there alone. She turns and screeches at me, forcing me to stay out of the mines. I nod and decide to listen to her. Hannah always did give the best advice. 

I arrive back at the lodge, but the door is locked. Remembering the way Chris got in when we first got here, I walk down the path towards the window. I climb up to the window easily. I slide one foot in and feel around. There's nowhere for me to put my foot. Suddenly, my foot hits a small, hard object. Using all of my focus, I slide it over to underneath the window. I put my weight on it and bring my other foot through. 3/4 of the way into the window, my foot slips and I tumble down. I catch myself with my hand. "Ah!" I scream out, a sharp pain running through my wrist. I stand up and hold my wrist, examining it. I scoff and make my way through the lodge. When I walk into the main room, everyone is standing still. I look around. Wendigos are filling the room. I follow my friend's example and stand completely still. Soon, Mike and Sam rush in and do the same. I watch closely as the Wendigos all keep and eye on each other. As Hannah rips the head off of another Wendigo, I see Mike slowly walking toward the light bulb. I see a Wendigo sneak up on Hannah. I decide to save her. I run across the room, across from my friends. I yell out the first thing that pops in my head. "RIP HER TITS OFF!" The causes the Wendigo who was going after Hannah to turn it's attention to me. Chris runs out. I stand completely still. Suddenly, Hannah attacks that Wendigo as it moves, saving me. After Mike busts the lightbulb, Hannah goes after him. 

"Hey!" Sam yells. Hannah turns to her. Ashley runs out. 

"BITE MY DICK!" I quote Freddie Mercury once again. Hannah jumps at me, but I stand completely still. Emily runs out. Sam runs behind a pillar, hiding herself. Hannah screeches at Sam. I take two steps to the left before yelling out again. Another Wendigo rushes in, allowing Sam and I to both run to more hiding spots. Mike rushes out. Hannah get close to Sam, so I make a run for it, grabbing something on my way out. I slide against the snow and Mike catches me. Sam runs out and the place blows up. I clutch what's in my hand closely. I hear a helicopter above us. 

We all huddle up together. "'Rip her tits off'?" Chris acts with a laugh.

"You should've heard what she said after that. 'Bite my dick'," Sam laughs. On the copter, I keep what I grabbed close to me. 

Emily notices this. "Lilah. What is that?" She asks, pointing to it. 

I bring it from my chest to show everyone. I look at the drawn figures of 11 friends. "I couldn't leave it behind."

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