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You must show me please im begging you, i wan- no i need to know what happened." I sobbed out.

Yami pulled away and stared at me. Concern flashing through his eyes.

"Are u sure Hikari? You know how painful it is to share memories, the body takes alot of damage, you'll lose all your chakra and become incredibly tierd, you'll get internal damage and-"

"I don't care!" I shouted out."I just want to know, you must understand Yami."

Yami let out a sigh and shook his head. "Alright if you insist but don't complain later on."

I shook my head. I grabed his hand and placed them on my head.

"Im sorry Hikari." Yami said

"For wha-."

At that moment pain shot throughout my head I let out a murderer scream before my vision went black.

Laughter could be heard in the background. I snaped my eyes open.

My father was seated on the dinning table as my mother cooked breakfast. Foot steps could be heard behind me . I turned around to see myself running twords my father, giggling on my way there.

"Father, mother good morning!" I shouted. I ran up to my father and gave him a kiss on the cheek then ran and gave a hug to my mom.

"Good morning Hikari, did you sleep well?"

"Yes father."

"Good, now take a seat, your mother is almost done with breakfast."

I nooded and fixed my head band around my forehead before taking a seat. My mother placed plates filled with bacon, eggs, sausage, and pancakes on the table. I looked up twords my father and grined.

My mother sat on her seat served herself a plate. She looked up at us. "You may eat now."

My father and I began to eat like if we haven't eaten in years. Pieces of egg and bacon flying around as we stuffed our faces. My mother sweat dropped. She scooted a little bit more back and began to eat, elegantly.

"You guys are animals." My mother laughed out. "Don't forget to leave some for your brother,Hikari.

"No need mother, after all this will be your last meal."

My blood ran cold as i turned my head twords my brother. I ran twords him but only fazed through him. All i can do was sit and watch.

My brother did some hand signs and whisperd something under his breath.

I turned to look at myself, to see pain shoot through my face. I droped to the ground and shook vilantly.

"What have you done!" My father shouted out.

I began to scream as my fingers grew longer and sharper, fangs grew out of my mouth, huge black and white wings sprouted out of my back, horns grew out of my head and both my eyes turned black.

"What I always wanted to do father. I want to see this miserable village crumble, I want to see you and mother die!" He said before disappearing.

At that very moment I got up from the floor and tackled my father to the ground. Slashing my father in the chest with my claws.

Father let out a agonizing scream before kicked me off of him. I landed on the table splitting it into two.

"Hikari please snap out of it, its me mama." I turned and faced my mother I got up and clutched my head.

"M-mo-mommy hel-p me. Im s-orr-." I stoped speaking instead I looked up at ny mother and smirked. I lunged at her and sank my fangs onto her neck as she screamed and squirmed under my grasp.

I pulled and ripped out a chunk of meat from her neck before spitting it out. My mother stoped moving from under me. I let her go, falling to the ground with a thud. The life in her eyes slowly fading away.

I turned and watched as my father looked at me with horror in his eyes. He got up grasping his chest. I slowly walked my way twords him.

He began to do hand signs with his hands. "Wind blade jutsu!" My father ran twords me throwing the invisible blade twords me.

I grined. "Wind Style: Cutting Wind Jutsu!" I slashed the blade in half. I ran up to my father and threw a punch hitting him in the face. He stumbled back but regained his posture.

He kicked me in the chest, I flew back breaking threw the wall and landing on the rubble. "Wow Sota the last time we fought you barely won, you've grown strong i will admit."

"Yami please stop this!" My father shouted. " I'd rather not hurt my daughter.

"It's wierd isn't it father? Yami is doing the fighting, but Hikari is taking the hits, yet im the one controlling them. Strange whem you think about it don't you think."

"Koki?...what have you done? Why?"

"Ughhhh why does everone ask that, hmmm just because i want to father.

"Set Hikari free, if you wanted to fight why didn't you fight me yourself?"

"Tsk, BECAUSE father I want the power to destroy you AND the village. I couldn't do that all by myself now can i? Hikari had the power inside her to do such thing."

My father ran up to me grabbing me from my shirt and lifting me up so that we were eye to eye.

"Koki! Let Hikari go now!"

"No can do papa you want me dead then you'll have to kill Hikari."

My father set me on the ground. He kneeled down and huged me. "I love you so much Hikari, don't blame yourself for this."

He let me go and just stayed on the ground he rested his arms on his side and looked up at the ceiling a single tear sliding down him cheek.

I watched myself walk twords my father. My fingers combining together to make a one single huge claw.


Blood spued out his neck, he fell and hit the ground with a thud. I watched myself walk out the house and into the village black flames coming out from every part of my body.

Screams could be heard outside but i just stood there staring at the blood spewing out my parents necks. The blood from mother and father slowly moved until it combined together.

Realisation hit me. I fell onto my knees clutching my head as I screamed and sobbed.

"Now you know what happened sister."

I snaped my head up looking around the room but finding it empty.

"No shut up your not real." I said

"Did you enjoy the show? Did you see how powerful you were?"

"SHUT UP." I screamed out

"You have great power and because of me you unlocked it, be greatfull foolish child."

I looked around the room in search for my brother. I felt a presence behind me. I quickly stood up and kicked at who ever was behind me.

My brother grabbed my foot. He spund me and let go i flew straight into a wall. At lightning speed he appeared in front of me clutching my shirt and bringing me close to him.

"This isn't over Hikari."

"YAMI GET ME OUT!" I begged.

My brother gave out a maniac laugh before my vision went black.


Thank you so much for reading. Hope you enjoyed. P.s. don't forget to vote :)) 💕

Word count: 1235

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