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"I guess you'll be sleeping on the floor tonight." I said a grin forming on my face.

Gaara smirked at me. Getting a good hold on my waist with his sand he picked me up and threw me down twords the deep side of the lake.

I resurfaced with a gasp. I shoot him a glare which he returned. He smirked and pulled me under the water with him. I quickly gasped in air as he held me down as we sunk to the bottom. I was overcome with happiness, this is going so well.

I wrapped my arms around his neck looking into his eyes. He blushed slightly and stared lovingly at me. I smiled sending bubbles into the clear blue water, I held him closer to me and hugged him. He hesitated but pulled me into his embrace.

My chest was pushed up against Gaara but neither of us seemed to mind. I let go to swim up to the top to catch my breath, gaara in pursuit.

I swam to the shore getting out of the water and retrieving my towel.

I went to check on my shirt while Gaara went to get his clothes, he gasped and cursed quietly.

"I'll be back." He mumbled.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Bathroom." He replied, walking into the woods.

"Alright," I called out, starting to dry off my body.

Once i dried myself i hooked the towel around my waist and made my way twords the scattered sticks. I neatly stacked them. I focused the flames on my hand and tossed a spark toward the sticks, setting them on fire.

I gazed at the black flames, slowly turning red. I hovered my hand over the now red flames. Strange, it doesn't hurt. I grabed a handful of the flames making it dance around in my hand.

I brought my fingers down, enclosing the flame into a fist. Pitch black smoke leaving from the cracks.

I gasped as pain engulfed my side sending me flying into the woods.

"Paralysis Jutsu"

My body seemed to lock itself, i couldn't move any part of my body even if i struggled.

"It's no use, you'll never break the Jutsu."

I snapped my head twords the voice.

"Let me go, dipshit!" I yelled.

He only smirked at me. "I like them fiesty." He whisperd loud enough so that i could hear.

He made his way twords me. He reached out and touched my face gliding his fingers down my face to my lips.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Tashi and I work for your brother, he has asked me to bring you in but now that i gotten a good look I'd like to have my fun first." He said yanking the towel away from my waist leaving me fully exposed.

With his other hand he began to stroke my thigh slowly reaching my women hood.

I gasped and began to struggle and scream. "Let me go! Please don't." I shouted out.

He chuckled, covering my mouth with his hand and continued stroking my thighs.

Using all my strength i was able to move my arm and smack his hand away from me before my arm was slammed down.

This seemed to anger him. He picked up his leg before slamming it twords me sending me flying twords a tree. I gasped as i felt a branch stab through my stomach.I fell twords the ground with a thud.

I coughed up blood and my vision began to blur. He stalked his way twords me picking me up by my hair and punching me in the stomach repeatedly causing blood to splater all over his face. The final blow was thrown straight to my face, instantly busting open my lip.

The Pain Within (gaara x reader)Where stories live. Discover now