Destruction to the village

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I was always considered to be my village freak. I mean how could I not be? My appearance was....unique. My hair was black and white split right down the middle. My left eye was black and my right eye was white. Oh yeah lets not forget i have a demon of darkness traped inside of me.

I was born to be the village hidden in the clouds next hokage, after my older brother refused the position.

My father was put in a position in which it either tore his family apart or tore the whole village apart. My father being hokage at the time chose to keep the village safe.

The demon that attacked my village was way to powerful to be keeped in a prison cell so it was locked away in my body.

Who knew that the same demon would be the destruction of my village.

Earlier that day...

Pain. It radiated throughout my body. I cringed and hugged my body. "Help me!" I tried to scream but my lips were bone dry. I licked them and once again screamed. "H-help!..." I wheezed from all the smoke entering my lungs. I looked around me, black fire eating away at the houses and corpses of my people. My vision became more blurry by the second. I shut my eyes closed.

A figure walked up to my body and whispered in my ear. "Thank you for letting me use the demon hidden in your body little sister." I snapped my eyes open to only come face to face with my older brother.

"Why!...why would you do this?!"
He started at me for a second trying to find an explanation but only smirked at me "why not little sister?" He said.

"I found it quite amusing seeing the fear in father and mothers eyes, and the blood that spued out there neck as they crumbled to the floor. OH! how wonderful was that!"

My eyes widen from the realisation, tears spilled out my heterochromia eyes like a waterfall only to disappear in the colur of my shirt.

"Y-you killed mama and papa!" I shouted.

"No sister you did, with your sharp claws you sliced away. Leaving them lifeless on the ground."

My brain felt numb. I couldn't think straight. I got up ignoring the pain and gave a lazy swing twords my brothers deriction. He caught my fist mid air and twisted it causing me to drop down to my knees from the immense pain.

He grabed my head with his right hand. Pain zoomed throughout my body once again I fell and gave an agonizing scream.

"Shh sister go to sleep now." My brother ordered. I lost all consciousness.....

"Child wake up." I groaned and turned over on my side. "Wake up!" I jolted up. I was in a dark room, empty I assum. I got up and wondered around I came to a stop in front of a huge cell. The cell was surrounded in torches and many pieces of paper with Japanese writing.

I walked closer to it and touched one of the bars. "Hello?" I called. "Please forgive me child. I didn't mean it. The darkness took over, I-I was under a powerful jutsu. Please you must forgive me."

I knew were i was now and who i was talking too. Im must be talking to the demon inside of me.

"Yami? The demon of darkness?" I questioned. "Y-yes child and you must be Hikari the angle of light?" I nodded. The ground began to shake and the bars rattled against each other.

I backed away from the cell and tripped over myself. I looked up into the cell. He was huge and scary looking. He was all black with huge glowing red eyes, wings the size of a fully grown tree, claws thick and sharp as a sword.

"Wh-why must I forgive you? You did this." I said. Yami only smirked at me

"Dang it, I thought playing the weak and innocent one would help me out of this shit hole. I guess not, you seem to be cruel aswell. There goes your chance of being a "angle"." Yami roared out in laughter.

"I'll give you permission to exit my body for 30 minutes each day." I barked out. The room became silent.

"In return for?" Yami questioned.

"In return you lend me your power and fight along side me." I said. Yami stayed quite for what seemed to be forever.

"45 minutes and I'll grant your wish child."

"Deal" I shouted

"Deal" Yami said.

Yami reached out from his cell. I intertwined my fingers with his and shook.

"Deal we both said in union.

At that very moment I woke up. I found myself at the very same spot I've been before passing out.

A shadow spued out of my chest. Moving around in front of me before finally stopping and taking form. Yami still looked like a shadow. Yet he still looked more human than a beast...he looked good. I couldn't make out his facial features but i just knew he was smirking at me.

"Like what you see Hikari?" I felt my face heat up. "N-no I just didn't think you were capable of looking normal, atleast you didn't grow any horns" i teased

Yami looked at me and laughed. He began to grow horn,They were about 6 inches long they curled at the end before finally stopping.

"Seriously?" I exclaimed.

"It wouldn't complete the look, you know." He said

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Whatever lets go." I began walking twords the woods. I remembered something. I stopped and turned around running twords my house. I ran with speed I've never had before. Before i knew it i was breaking the door down from my house. I ran towards the living room and stoped in my tracks.

My father and mother were on on ground, blood surrounding them. I fell twords the ground and clutched my head.

Memories came flashing in my head. They were blurry, I couldn't fully make them out. I stayed on my knees trying to remember how this all started. Tears began pouring out my eyes once again. "I-im so useless, i can't even remember how i killed my own parents!!"

I got up and ran into the forest, jumping from tree to tree, trying to get as far away as possible. I jumped a little to low and triped falling to the groung, I continued my sobbing. Pain shot throughout my head. I reached up and clutched onto my head.

A hand rested on my shoulder massaging small circles on my back.

"Hikari, you must believe me when i say that i am trully sorry for your losses. If i had full control on myself i would of never done this to you."


"Your brother he had me under a jutsu of some sort, I couldn't control myself. I had to sit and watch as I slashed them to deat-"

At that instant I turned around grabing Yami by his shoulders and pulling him into a hug while i sobbed on his shoulder.

"You must show me please im begging you, i wan- no i need to know what happened." I sobbed out.

Thank you very much for reading. I really hope you enjoyed. Have a great day.  P.s don't forget to vote :)) 💕💕

Word count: 1243

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