Chapter Four - The Raid

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The raid came that night. The gang must have followed Daddy home.

The girls were asleep in their beds when they were woken by a shot which was followed by several more. Suddenly there were men in their bedroom. Theodora could hear herself screaming as one of them grabbed her by the hair and dragged her out of bed and down the steep stairs.

There were rough, coarse, frightening men everywhere. They all had knives and guns and things. And they seemed to be holding some sort of party in their kitchen.

Then she saw her Daddy lying, broken, on the floor. He was obviously dead. Nobody alive could lie like that. And there was too much blood. Mummy seemed hurt, too, but some of the men seemed to be looking after her so maybe it wasn't too bad.

The man holding her hair pulled her upwards by it, forcing her to stand on tiptoe. She let out a shriek of pain and her two hands grabbed at the one of his that was holding her in a desperate attempt to reduce the pain. Then he produced a knife. It was enormous and glinted in the firelight.

Staring into her eyes, he placed the knife in the centre of her neck. Theodora's screams were instantly silenced. She thought she was going to die. Though it only had its blunt edge against her skin it felt ice cold and seemed to freeze her entire body. He hooked it inside her nightdress and started to draw it downward, slicing through the heavy material as if it were paper. She forgot everything else as the knife continued to move downwards - her dead Daddy - her wounded Mummy - even her sister - they were almost certainly doing the same thing to her, right next to her.

Though it wasn't cutting her, she whimpered as the cold blade passed between her breasts. Down it went, over her stomach and on down, drawing over her most private parts and then on down towards her knees and for a moment she could breathe again. As her sliced nightgown fell off her, the man holding her leaned in so close that she could smell his rancid body and his stinking breath. "Legs apart, love!" he whispered in her ear.

She couldn't move; she was frozen.

"Listen, love, the knife is going in there anyway and it will be a whole lot less painful if your legs are apart."

Somehow she managed to spread her legs, straining to balance on her tiptoes as he continued to hold her up by her hair. Then, with another two quick flashes of the knife, her underwear fell off her and she was standing completely naked in front of all these horrible men.

He moved round to stand in front of her and just stared at her body for several seconds as if inspecting a piece of meat. His eyes made it clear that she had no value as a human being. Her only worth was what she could do for him.

He flicked the knife in his hand and placed the blunt edge of the blade along her slit and started to rub it gently, backwards and forward.

Theodora didn't know what she was feeling at that moment - terror must have been the overriding emotion along with shock and horror but there was something else going on too - unthinkably, it seemed to be some sort of sex type feeling... spreading out from between her legs... and her breath was coming in pants.

"Sarge, stop playing with your food!" The shout went out from over by the kitchen table.

The way they said it... and the half laughs it produced... told her that it wasn't the first time that anybody had made that joke.

"Leave her be. You'll get your turn with this piece," another voice said. This one sounded as if it expected to be obeyed.

The man tied her hands behind her back and pushed her down so she was kneeling. "You don't move from this spot, pet," he snarled. Then, after giving one of her nipples a vicious tweak, he went over to join the others who had their Mummy stretched out on the kitchen table.

Theodora watched for several seconds before she could even start to believe what she was seeing. Even though her Mummy was wounded and still bleeding badly... the men were raping her!

"More?" one of them roared as he took his place between Mummy's legs.

"More is always better!" the others roared in response. Theodora just couldn't believe it was true. They seemed to be treating the whole vile thing as if it were just a game or a joke or something.

She carried on watching in disbelieving horror as two more of the men took their turns with Mummy, then one of the gang said, "Hey, that bitch isn't watching." Theodora looked across and it was true. Jennifer couldn't bear to watch and had her face turned away.

The leader, the one called Deemo, marched across, grabbed Jennifer by the hair and shook her head violently but in a moment of insane bravery she bit him.

He smashed her to the ground with a flat handed slap to the face and then reached for the knife at his belt. In a moment, the one called Sarge flashed across the room to stand next to him.

"Hey, boss, you sure you want to do that? That bitch is dead, anyway," he nodded at Mummy. "This one'll keep better fresh."

"You're right. Hog tie her - real tight! But make sure she watches what we're doing to her mother. I want her to know what she's got to look forward to. In fact, if either of them doesn't watch, we'll hurt the other one. How does that sound?"

He lifted Jennifer completely off the ground by her hair until her face was directly in front of his - she was still too stunned from the slap to even react. Then he licked one finger and stuck it right up inside her, between her legs. "You just wait," he said in a tone of pure malice. He sort of wiggled his finger about inside her then pulled it out and just dropped her back to the floor.

Sarge quickly tied her up - he'd obviously done this loads of times before - then he balanced her on her knees. "You take your eyes off things again, your sister gets this," he said then he cruelly prodded a finger into her bottom. Jennifer just screamed in pain as the finger poked around inside her. "But ten times worse. Clear?"

But Jennifer couldn't answer - she was beyond words.

So he gave the finger inside her a vicious twist. "I asked if that's clear!" he shouted in her face.

"Yes," she managed to scream.

He squatted down so his face was level with hers. "I'm about to put my finger in your mouth and you are about to suck it clean. You do not even want to think about what will happen to you if you bite me," he said.

Eyes wide open with stark terror, she did as he said. I sort of knew it was the finger he had stuck up her bottom but I didn't dare look. I didn't dare take my eyes off what they were doing to Mummy.

The laugh he gave as he returned to the table was almost as frightening as anything else that happened that evening.

I don't know how long they kept raping Mummy but it seemed to keep going for a long time. When, at last, they were all finished, Deemo went round to her head. He smiled down on her face and one of his hands was stroking one of her breasts gently... almost tenderly... as if he was a nice person or something. "Now we're going to play a little game," he said. "It's called 'killer orgasm'. The rules are simple." His hand moved down and started stroking her between her legs. "As soon as you orgasm, you die."

They all gathered round her and started doing all sorts of things to her - horrible things - sex type things. In the end she couldn't take it any more and she started screaming.

That's when Deemo cut her throat.

Theodora froze. This just couldn't really be happening. It had to be some sort of nightmare.

And then they started to butcher her like Daddy had butchered that sheep. Except that they knew what they were doing. They must have done this sort of thing loads of times before.

That was the last thing that Theodora remembered. She must have passed out.

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