Chapter Twenty - You's Gotta Learn

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He stood up and, with a negligent ease, carried me up the stairs to the small bedroom he used. There, without taking his hands or mouth off my body, he managed to undress us both.

In a couple of our naughtier moments, Jennifer and I had looked at pictures on the internet and, using those as a reference, I'm pretty much certain that I can say that he was huge.

"Will it..." I managed to ask.

"It'll be good," he promised me. "You still sure you want this?"

I managed a weak nod.

He positioned himself between my legs then, gently spreading my thighs, eased himself just inside me. My muscles involuntarily clenched, anticipating the pain but nothing happened. He kissed me gently on the breast, causing me to look down to him. "Relax, lil' white girl," he said with a broad smile. "There ain't nothin goin' to happen til you's ready."

He started to rock his hips gently from side to side, and I could feel him rocking inside me, sending a wave of warmth shooting down towards him. Then he applied his tongue to my nipple and this wasn't the gentle stroking I was used to from earlier but a firm, intense pressure. My hands grabbed at his shoulders as my breath started to come in pants and, when I was distracted, he eased further inside me.

From this new position, he could attack my neck and he did so with wild enthusiasm. He attacked the spot that he had found earlier and, as he did so, he eased himself slightly further in. There was a sharp pain but it was driven from my mind as his lips and tongue continued to attack my neck and he started to squeeze one of my nipples between a finger and a thumb. I was vaguely aware of him easing further into me but I wasn't given the chance to dwell on it as he vigorously attacked the rest of my body.

At last he paused his assault, leaving me prostrate and gasping under him.

"I's right inside you!" he said in a low rumble.

I could hardly believe it. It felt strange and slightly uncomfortable but certainly not the pain I had been expecting. Incredulous, I felt down between us and found he was, indeed, all the way in.

Then he started to gently rock his hips and it felt like nothing I had ever felt before.

When I returned to this world, Samson was lying, propped up on one elbow, smiling down on me.

"Thank you," I said, returning his smile.

That made him laugh. "You don't have to thank me for that, lil' white girl. There ain't nothin' better in this world than the pleasure of gently turnin' a willlin' girl into a woman." He leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips.

He was quiet for a moment. "I'd say 'any time' but I ain't the man what you need. You go to James, now, and you tell him what you want and you tell him how you want it. He'll do his best for you and, if you need to, you can tell him to come and talk to me." He leaned in and kissed me again.

"But before you do that..." He put a hand on my shoulder, then gradually, gently ran it down my body: over my breast which yearned up into him; over my stomach, causing the muscles to tense and my breath to freeze; then gently down over my sex. My legs parted to invite him in but his hand continued to run gently over me, running through the hair and almost teasing me about what might happen. "Is the lil' white girl up for one more round?" he whispered in my ear.

I closed my eyes and my head fell back as I gave the slightest of nods. Words were unthinkable. As his hand continued to play gently between my legs, his tongue started to tease my earlobe.

"Den," he suddenly rolled over so he was on his back, "you's on top." I found myself sitting astride his muscly tummy. That felt very nice and I started rubbing myself into him. He attracted my attention by putting his hands on my bottom and giving me a slight squeeze. It sort of tickled - but only sort of - and I gasped. "You's gotta learn how to do it."

So, under his gentle tuition, I was taught things about my own body that I never knew. Then I was directed to ease myself onto him. It was much easier this time. I suppose that knowing something is possible makes it much easier. And once I'd got him inside me, I was free to enjoy him as vigorously as I wanted. My only slight complaint from the first time was that he was a bit too gentle. I guess he was afraid he might break me - he was so huge and I was so skinny. I had absolutely no fear of breaking Sampson. I don't think there was anything I could do to even hurt him.

We lay cuddling together afterwards in a beautiful sort of glow. I was on top of him with my head on his shoulder and my fingers were running through the thick mat of hair on his chest. He had an enormous paw wrapped round me and his hand was rubbing me gently on the bottom.

"You good, lil' white girl?" he asked me. I could feel his voice rumbling through his chest.

I nodded into his shoulder.

"Dat James is one lucky boy. You gonna make him very happy."

"I love you," I said, blinking back tears. "Is it OK if I call you uncle?"

"I'd like that, my lil' white niece."

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