Be open to whatever comes next.

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The next morning Rose woke up, her head rested on Jack's chest and their legs were intwined so much that you wouldn't even be able to tell whose was whose was if you were standing above them. Blushing slightly, she looked up nervously at him, just to see if he was awake or not because if he wasn't then there was a chance that she could've maybe scooted off him and laid down beside him.

Jack however was awake and he'd seen the nervous look in her eyes as well as the red tint, shaded across her cheeks and grinned. He reached down and stroked her hair before sitting up slightly.

"Morning there, M'lady." he said softly, looking down the red haired girl, who was trying to hide her shyness.

" ummm  good morning Jack" she mumbled, there was a little crack in her voice from all from all the crying she had done the previous night, though Jack didn't pay attention and tried to ignore it as much as possible.He was still confused as to why she had been crying last night, though he chose not to ask just in case it brought up any bad memories and he didn't want to spoil her day anymore than it could be by being stuck in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

She sat up now, not looking directly at Jack and looked around them, out into the distance of the ocean. She sighed and tried to put her hair into place before she looked down at her now half shredded dress. Her stomach let out a slight rumble, which caused her to blush as it wasn't normal for a lady to do those kind of things in the presence of other people, though all Jack was let out a soft laugh.

"Huh, maybe you're not SUCH a lady after all," He smirked, causing her to blush again, which Jack secretly loved.

"sounds like you're hungry" he chuckled and reached over for his satchel, which thankfully did not have any food like bread in it as it wouldn't of been very pleasuring to eat soggy bread, however he found two apples. His sighed as he knew that the food would not last then as long as they needed it to and took the two apples out. He handed one to her

"here take this, you're going to need it."
he said, as he bit into his own. He needed to try and save half of it for later as he didn't know how long that they would be there. It tasted slightly salty due to the amount of seawater that had absorbed into it, though he was starving and at this point he would've eaten anything.

Taking her own gently, she took a small bite of the apple.She wasn't used to having fruit much as she would usually have a big breakfast such as pancakes, bacon and egg or waffles for breakfast, however she knew Jack didn't have that kind of luxury food and probably had small meals like that every single day.

"Sorry that I don't have anymore food, I usually keep something light in my bag, just in case of emergencies but I don't think my back could carry a full course meal." he chuckled.

Rose smirked and rolled her eyes.

"no it's okay, I'm okay with this. It's better than nothing at least" she said and took another bite of the apple.

"what are we going to do for the rest of the time that we here? I mean not being ungrateful or anything but we could be here for days, maybe even weeks..." she sighed.

Jack's sighed too and looked at her dress. It had pieces of elastic around the front to hold it all together and that gave him an idea. He opened his mouth.

"you know how before all this happened back on the ship, I was telling you about when I was fishing back in Wisconsin...well not to brag or anything but I am pretty much an expert at it so if I could use your dress and take out one of the elastics, maybe I could catch us some fish or something." he shrugged. He hadn't fished in quiet few years but he had a pretty good memory anyway.

Rosie nodded. It seemed like a pretty decent idea, though she'd have to shorten her dress or at least just stay in her undergarments,such as her stockings and corset.

" yeah alright then but are you sure that you can do that? I mean it seems pretty dangerous to go near the water...we saw killer whales and where there's whales, there's worse creatures."

Jack gave a small giggle before nodding "I've done it quite a few times. I think I can handle it, I assume that a posh girl like you has never eaten raw fish before?"

A disgusted look appeared upon Rose's face, causing Jack to burst out laughing.

"Raw fish are you being completely genuinely serious right now?" she asked, quite taken aback. She had never heard of eating anything like raw fish before. Jack was trying to contain his laughter.

"Yes, people eat it up back in Japan, I've seen them with my own eyes and well...I mean it's not like we have anything else to eat," He shrugged.

"I guess it's raw fish or nothing, sorry princess." Jack smirked and took yet another bite of his Apple before tossing to the Apple core into the ocean depths.

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