Imma need space.

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Now, as we all know, all friendships and relationships need a little break and after spending a whole week stuck together on a rock in the middle of the sea, Rose DeWitt Bukater was starting to get a little agitated at Jack. Of course it's no lie that Jack was her perfect soulmate...she just didn't like the fact that he chewed so loudly or that he snored in his sleep or would constantly whistle when he was bored. She hadn't exactly told him that it irritated her because she knew deep down that  she loved him and didn't want anything to come between them...

Yet again today, in their usual star gazing session, Jack started whistling along to a song that Rose had heard before called 'Come Josephine, In my flying machine.'

Rose rubbed her forehead, trying to hide back the urge to just sit up and snap at Jack for how annoying it was. She sighed and clenched her fists. He started humming and that just irritated her more. She jumped up.


Jack frowned and turned to look at her...what had he done now...?

"What's wrong....?" He gulped, a slight scared tone in his voice.

"Everyday you sing the exact same song! Can you not just stay quiet or at least choose a different song?" She snapped.

That made Jack's heart sink a wasn't just any old was the song that his mother would sing to him when he was a kid...the one song that meant the most to him.

"Oh ummm...y-yeah...I guess." He mumbled, looking down at his hands now.

Rose's temper softened and her frown faded when she saw his expression change. She slided over and tapped his shoulder.


Jack sighed and shook his head.
"No it's umm...fine. I'll just...shut up then..."

Rose looked down, biting her lip a little. Her hear aches as if she'd just stomped all over his heart. She pinched her thigh, annoyed at herself and laid down against a rock, facing the harsh waves, which crashed against the rocks. She decided to give him some space for now...afterall, she probably wouldn't make it any better by trying to apologise after what she'd just said.

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