Never let go 'till we're gone.

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The two of the clung onto each other for dear life, neither of them letting go no matter how harsh the winds were. Jack wrapped his left around around Rose's waist, while Rose held onto the taller boy, slowly the two of them let their bodies relax as they let their bodies fall into the depths of the water, not letting go for even a second.

The water hit them like a thousand needles, stabbing into their bodies as the two of them slowly let go, opening their eyes beneath the water. Rose had clear worry in her eyes but as soon as Jack places a hand on the girl's cheek, it all melted away. They were just two lovers then. Two lovers in an extremely unfortunate event but Jack and Rose both knew that whatever would happen in the next few moments, they would stay together.

Rose's grip on Jack's hand slowly started to loosen, her eyes fluttering closed. The male tried his best to stay awake, taking Rose up for breaths whenever he himself needed one but it began to drain him. He was freezing. Every inch of his body was blue, icicles forming beneath his eyes and with one last blurry look at his girl, Jack's hand lost hers and his eyes fell closed, his mind drifting into an empty abyss.

(Sorry I've taken a long time to update. This is pretty short but I have some amazing ideas for the story so be excited <3)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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