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It had been two months since Nico left Dema on his white horse, Katy. He never came back. Naturally, everyone thought he was dead. Did that make them sad? Absolutely not. They lived the same way they did every day, not even giving a thought towards their old master... except for Keons. Keons missed Nico the most.

"Our annual ritual is coming up," Lisden announced one day. It had not even occurred to the other Bishops that they even had a job until then.

"Who's leading?" Sacarver asked casually.

Usually, this would be the time that Nico would jump in and demand that he led the ceremonies, but he wasn't there.

"Dude, Andre should lead," joked Nills.

"How about I lead this year?" suggested Vetomo. Everyone shook their heads.

"I don't wanna lead," said Listo quietly, mostly to himself.

"You wanna lead?" Sacarver asked Listo.

"no, I said I don't."

"Too bad! Listo, you're leading the ceremonies for our yearly ritual!" announced Lisden.

"I want Andre to do it!" Listo whined.

Nills came up with a solution that would satisfy most of them. "All those in favor of Listo, dab."

Everyone dabbed except for Listo and Andre.

"Looks like Listo is leading. Congratulations!"

Listo groaned and went outside, slamming the door. He found Keons looking around, worried.


Listo shook his head. "What's a Clancy?" he asked.


"Where did you put him last? Did you check the vulture sanctuary? Nico might've fed him to them."

"WE DON'T FEED CHILDREN TO VULTURES!!!!!!!!!" Keons ran to the vulture sanctuary and looked around for the young boy who was nowhere to be seen. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" he screamed.

Across the mountains, Keons' yells could be heard, but mistaken for the river that ran there. Tyler Joseph made his way through Trench with uncertainty of where he was going. little did he know that he was being watched as he tripped and fell headfirst into the stream.

"Well I'm glad I'm alone and nobody saw that," he said to himself. He picked himself up and kept climbing for the prize again (there was no prize, I was just thinking about the song). Then Nico came on his horse. He got off and smeared Tyler's neck with black paint, marking that he belonged to Dema. Tyler followed Nico for a while, then yellow flower petals rained down on them. Nico was confused because he couldn't see a thing in all of the yellowness. Katy was spooked and tried to run off. Tyler ran too, but tripped only a few feet away from where Nico stood. Well, he tried.

In the midst of all the chaos, a boy was kneeling behind a rock in the caves of Trench, watching the scene play out. He wanted to join the Banditos above, but he knew that he must go through the Trench instead of above. He learned that from watching Finding Nemo. In the scene where the silver fishies told Dory to go through the Trench and not above where the jellyfish were.

As Nico carried Tyler back to Dema, Clancy continued his journey, scared more than ever that he would get caught.


Listo grumbled to himself about the ritual. He still didn't want to lead it. The reason was not because he was scared, but because the citizens in the region that he ruled didn't really like him. He was one of the most forgettable Bishops besides Reisdro, and maybe Andre. He also had to plan the whole thing, but he didn't know how to plan and he usually procrastinated anyway.

"Hey d00d. How is the planning for the ceremony going?" asked Andre. "Can I help?"

"You can take over," Listo remarked.

"Yaay! I'm leading the ceremonies this year!" the Bishop dabbed in celebration.

"What was that?" asked a voice from the east. Listo and Andre looked up and saw Nico on his white horse, carrying an unconscious Tyler in his arms.

"We decided on who leads the yearly ritual without you because you were gone so long." Listo shrugged.

"No! I DEMAND that I lead it this year." Nico said sternly.


"NO buts, Andre. Tell Vetomo that he has vulture duty. And while he's at it, he can find a new vulture for me." Nico turned away and his horse galloped towards the Towers.


"I don't want to take care of the vultures!" Vetomo whined. "We haven't cleaned them in two months!!!!"

"Too bad," Andre shrugged. "Go do it or I'm telling Nico."

"Nico's not heeeeeerrrrreeeeee!!!"

Andre went outside of the Bro Chill Cave to tell Nico, but Vetomo leapt to his feet.

"OKAY I'LL DO IT! DON'T TELL NICO'S GHOST!!!!!" Vetomo ran to the vulture sanctuary and worked until sunset.

Meanwhile, Nico started preparing for the ceremonies. The unknown truth was the Nico really didn't care about leading the ceremonies, but every year when he didn't lead, They forgot to order pepperoni pizza, which is the only kind of food Nico will eat.

Nico contacted Dema Catering Services and ordered a bunch of pepperoni pizza. After that, he decided to sit back and see how the rest of the ceremonies go. Of course, they would do the traditional dancing around the gravestones and creating a microphone (they usually threw it out afterwards, but it was always the Bishops' favorite craft to make). Basically, that was it.


Nico looked and saw Keons, who was checking on the prisoners. "What do you want?" he asked coldly.

"Dude. You went away for two months! I was so worried for you." Keons gave Nico a big hug. "How are you?"

"Um.. great!" Nico stumbled in his speech, which was a rare occurrence. "I found Tyler. He kept tripping."

"Okay then.. have you seen my godchild?"

"Keons, Clancy is not your godchild. He is your responsibility. How long has he been lost?"

"A few weeks," Keons swallowed nervously.

"Perhaps he's too busy with his studies to pay you a visit. The walls are too tall for a child to escape." Nico made his way back to the Bro Chill Cave with an upset Keons following him.

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