Little man

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Your POV 

I walked into the park, holding my 4-year-old sons hand. I had just moved back to Albuquerque. I moved when I was 4 months pregnant and I hadn't really been back since. I broke up with my ex and stayed with my parents for a couple of months before picking up my life and moving to Florida. I never told my ex about me being pregnant. He wouldn't have wanted a child, so I broke up with him so he wouldn't know. As it had been nearly 5 years now, I decided it was the right time to move back.
"Mummy!" Toby got excited, "I want to go on the swing!"
"Ok come on then." I grabbed his hand and walked towards the swing.
I bumped into a tall figure and almost fell over.
"I'm so sorry." I said, looking up and connecting eyes with a man I thought I would never see again, "...Jesse?"
"Y/N..." Jesse looked me up and down, "Yo long time no see aye."
"You could say that." I laughed, "I just moved back here recently, from Florida."

"Mummyyyy." Toby whined and I looked down and Jesse looked directly at him.
"Yes sweetheart?" I smiled.
"Swingssss." He pointed, pulling me towards them.
"Oh aha come on then." I smiled, walking towards the swings, Jesse following behind me.
I put Toby in the swing and began to push him.

"He's yours?" Jesse asked, confused.
"Aha yep my little man!" I smiled.
"Whoa he has to be..." I cut Jesse off.
"He's four." I said and Jesse's face flashed with a sense of hurt.
"Damn..." Jesse looked down, kicking a stone on the ground.
Jesse looked up and spoke to the little boy, "So yo what's your name? Mine is Jesse.."
Toby looked at me and I nodded, "You can speak to him sweetie."
"My name is Toby Pinkman and I'm four!" He clapped and Jesse looked straight at me.
Yes...Yes, I did give my son his dad's last name. I didn't break up with Jesse because he would be a bad farther or because I hated him. I broke up with him because I wanted to have our baby and I didn't want to ruin his life.
"Pinkman?" Jesse looked at Toby and Toby simply nodded.
"Who's your daddy Toby?" Jesse asked and I mentally cursed myself.
I knew he would find out eventually...
"I-I don't know." Toby shrugged, "Push me Jesse!"
"May I?" Jesse asked and I moved so he could.

We stood in silence until I grew the courage to speak.
"Look Jesse..." He cut me off.
"So that's why you broke up with me...It all makes sense now." Jesse sighed, "Five years I have been wondering why...Y/N why didn't you tell me?"
"Jesse I didn't want to ruin your life. I thought breaking up with you would be easier than telling you...It was stupid I know. I'm so sorry." I choked.
"You wouldn't have ruined my life. I've been broken since you left. When I saw you today with Toby...I thought you had moved on." He made short eye contact with me, whilst pushing Toby on the swing.
"I could never move on from you Jesse...You wer-Are my soulmate." I shrugged.
"I haven't moved on either Y/N...Please let me be in your, and Toby's life..." Jesse sighed.

"Toby." I smiled and he looked at me.
"Yes mummy." He said.
"This is your daddy." I pointed to Jesse and Toby's eyes lit up.
"Really?" Toby clapped and giggled.
"Yes, he's your real daddy!" I smiled as Toby stretched his arms out and grasped Jesse's arm.
"Hug!" He asked and Jesse picked him up out of the swing.
"Hey little man." Jesse let a tear roll down his cheek as he looked into his son's eyes.
"Daddy...Why are you crying?" Toby giggled, wiping Jesse's face.
"Aha I'm just very happy to see you." Jesse kissed Toby on the cheek, "And you."
I smiled and blushed at his comment.
"I love you daddy!" Toby wrapped his arms around Jesse's neck.
"Yo I love you too little man!" Jesse tightened his grip on the toddler.
There was a short pause before Jesse looked into my eyes, "And Y/N...I love you."
"And I love you too." I smiled, pulling the two most important people in my life into a hug.

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