Answer it

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Your POV

I pulled into the road where my boyfriend, Jesse, lived and as I drove closer to his house, I noticed his red Toyota Tercel parked just outside. Sighing, I pulled into his driveway, beside his car, and turned off my engine. Jumping out of my car and locking it up, I pulled out my keys and made my way towards the front door of Jesse's house. Unlocking the door, I opened it up to reveal him slumped on the sofa, remote in hand, watching some random TV show.
"Oh well it's good to know that you are still alive." I said sarcastically, throwing my bag down by the door.
Let me explain, I had called Jesse about eight or nine times over the last few hours, just checking to see how he was. Due to his job, I always worried that someone would come after him and beat him up, or worse, so I tried to get in contact with him at least once a day. Today, I had tried calling him multiple times and he didn't pick up so I got worried.

"Yo, you scared the shit out of me doll!" Jesse laughed, facing me with his hand on his chest.
"Yeah well maybe you shouldn't scare me ALL DAY!" I replied.
"What do you mean?" He raised his brow, clearly confused.
"You know that thing your phone does...when it vibrates? It means I'm calling you. So fucking answer it next time!" I groaned, " I tried calling you multiple times over the last few hours and you didn't pick up or text me. I was worried."
"Yo I'm sorry doll." Jesse half smiled, "I think I left my phone up stairs, but hey yo there's no need to worry about me."
"Well there is...and you know it." I raised me brow, walking over to the sofa that Jesse was sat on, "I care about you okay and I worry."

I sighed as I sat between Jesse's legs, resting my back against his chest. He ran his hands through my hair as his breathe brushed lightly over my neck.
"I love you doll and I promise to answer my phone from now on okay?" He whispered due to the fact that he was just inches away from me.
"I love you too." I turned to him and gave him a light peck on the lips, "I'm sorry for being pissed off."
"Yo it's fine honestly." He smiled pecking the side of my cheek.

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