Sorry we're late

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Your POV

I made my way down towards the front door of Skinny Petes house, knocking quickly on the front door. Jesse was hot on my heel and stood behined me as we waited for the door to open.

After a few moments, the front door opened, revealing Skinny Pete.
"Yo, Jesse and Y/N are here." He said, opening the door slightly wider and allowing Jesse and I to enter the house.
Jesse and I were ment to be at Skinny Petes hous for about half six as Jesse, Skinny Pete, Badger and I were going to have an evening playing videogames, eating pizza and most likely getting high. It was now currently half seven, making us just over an hour late. It wasn't my fault that we were late, I was ready with plenty of time to spare. Jesse was the one who decided that he had other plans, before we could head out.

"You guys finally decided to turn up." Badger said as we entered the livingroom.
"Yeah umm...Sorry we're late." I said, "I had some last minute things to do before we could leave."
I slumped down of the sofa and Jesse sat beside me, lazily wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
"By 'things' she means me." Jesse smirked, causing me to turn bright red.
"Jesse!" I kicked him lightly.
"What doll? I'm not lying." He raised his brow.
I shook my head and rolled my eyes jokingly.
"Shut up or i'll never 'do' you again." I sassed and he looked at me shocked.
"Yo you better shut up." Skinny Pete joined the convosation.
Jesse rolled his eyes but gave in.

We al continued our evening,  playing videogames and eating pizza. The guys all got high and I was left to keep them all under control, making sure they all got to bed safely.

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