You won't kill me

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Your POV

I was currently sat on the ground in my livingroom, gun pressed against my head. The man who had the gun firmly pushed against my head was no other than Jesse Pinkman. You may ask why this was happening and how I got into this situation and quite honestly, I wasn't completely sure myself.

I was the sister of Todd Alquist and I knew that he had been some how connected to Jesse. You see, Jesse went to highschool with me years ago and in fact, he was my highschool boyfriend. Back in highschool, I never really felt the need to tell Jesse about Todd so he never actually knew that I was his sister. Compared to highschool, I defiently looked a lot diffrent and to someone who wasn't really thinking about it, you could probally think me and highschool me where two completely diffrent, not connected people. 

Todd had done something, I was unsure of what, to piss Jesse off and Jesse's plan was to hurt Todd in the one way he knew how to, hurt his sister. 

After a few moments of building up my courage, I finally spoke up.
"You won't kill me." I smirked, slowly lifting my hand up, grasping the barrel of the gun that was still pressed against my head.
"What makes you so sure about that?" Jesse raised his brow, keeping his grasp firm on the gun.
"Because I'm Y/N Alquist..." I said, "Remember me?"
It took him a few moments but the moment Jesse realised who I was, he dropped his arm to his side, letting the gun leave it's spot on my forehead.

"Y/N?" He raised his brow, helping me up off of the ground, "You're Todd's sister?"
"Yep, that's me." I jokingly made a jazhands hotion, "Anyway Jesse, don't act so surprised...I should be the surprised one. You became a drug dealer?!?"
"Yo I've got to make money somehow." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Nah I'm not judging you, I like it." I smirked, "It's kind of sexy."
I don't know what had gotten into me at this point. I mean, for god sake, less than five minutes ago, this man had a gun pointed at my head and now I was flirting with him.
"Is it now?" Jesse laughed lightly, "You are defiently one of the first girls to say that yo."
"Hey look, here's my number." I grabbed a pen from off of my coffee table and grabbed Jesse's arm, wrining down my number across his forearm, "Call me sometime."

I simpilly smirked before grabbing Jesse's gun and handing it to him. I walked towards the front door and opened it, motioning for him to leave. He headed out of the door, turning towards me one last time before he left.
"Talk to you soon then yo?" He smirked.
"I hope so." I inched closer to him and pecked him on the cheeck, before shutting the door on him.

I lent up against my front door, processing the events that had just happened. I could've just been killed and what do I do, give the guy my number!

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