Request for peachluxz

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This is my first request for this book. Thank you for requesting this chapter peachluxz I really hope you like it! Also be prepared, this one is pretty long.

Valerie's POV

I was slumped down on the sofa, in my boyfriend's house, waiting for him to return from god knows where he disappeared off to. Grabbing a hair tie, I pulled my long, brown hair up, throwing it into a messy bun, as it was annoying me. A wave of sadness overcame me as I realised the reality of the current situation I was in. Jesse had been my boyfriend for the good part of two years now and he was my whole world. I loved him with my whole heart and throughout the past couple of years, I had planned my future with him. My plans and future dreams were sadly stopped about a month or so ago when my suspicions began to grow.

It all started when I came home a couple of months ago and normally he had no problem with me just coming in, I mean I had been living with him for almost a year now. Normally, after work, I would just come in, take my shoes off and go make Jesse and I some dinner. This day however, I unlocked the door and came in and the house was silent, like almost uncomfortably silent. Jesse came running down the stairs, topless, just a minute or so after I came in, clearly flustered. I would've just brushed that off but then he near enough forced me to go to the shop to buy Cheetos, without even greeting me like he normally did. Of course, I went, but that whole car ride, my mind was going crazy with situations and things that it could've been. Everything came down to just one answer...He was cheating on me.

I know that sounds like a bit of a jump to conclusions but his actions for the last two months really cemented my ideas.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of keys rattling and the door opening to reveal Jesse. Wiping the single tear that was threatening to run down my bare cheek, I stood up and crossed my arms. He raised his brow and began to speak.
"Yo what's wrong doll?" He asked, shuffling closer to me but I backed away.
"Don't call me that!" I said sternly, "Where were you all day, and don't say with Badger and Skinny Pete because I called them and they told me you weren't there."
"I-I was with Mr White in the lab." He stuttered, clearly making up what he was saying.
"Hmm so if I call Mr White, he'll tell me that you were there all day." I raised my brow.
"Why is it such a big deal where I was anyway!" Jesse groaned, "You're not my mother and I'm not twelve anymore yo!"
"It matters because I'm not an idiot..." I sighed, "And I want you to stop treating me like one."
Jesse went to speak, but I cut him off, continuing what I wanted to say.
"No listen to me okay. I know exactly where you were and in fact where you have been going for the past two months, or possibly longer. Honestly who the fuck knows how long, you seem to lie a lot so maybe you are getting good at it." I spat.
"Explain yo, I'm confused." Jesse put his hands up in defence.
"You've been cheating on me..." I choked out, letting a single tear roll down my cheek. 
"Yo what the fuck, this is bullshit!" Jesse huffed, "Don't accuse me of shit."
"If you ain't cheating then let me see your phone." I put my hand out.

Jesse went red and rolled his eyes. We stood in silence for a few moments, taking in the situation that we were currently in. Of course, I already was pretty sure that Jesse was cheating on me but there was always that one per cent of my brain that was unsure. I used to trust this man with my whole life, he wouldn't cheat on me, right? Clearly, I was wrong. I took time for the information to sink in and the single tear that rolled down my cheek was joined by multiple others, spilling out of my brimming eyes. I looked up and my eyes met Jesse's crystal blue ones. I could feel him searching my deep brown orbs, trying to find out what I was thinking. Breaking the lasting eye contact, I squeezed my eyes shut, attempting to stop the tears that were rushing down my cold, rosy cheeks. 

"I can't believe you." I hiccuped, through the tears, "I really thought you were my soulmate."
"I am-I mean you are my soulmate Val, I love you doll." Jesse sighed, attempting to grab my hands but I pulled away.
"D-don't touch me." I shook my head, "I planned our future together Jesse...We were going to get married one day and have kids but of course you had to go and fuck all of that up."
Jesse went to speak once again, but I cut him off.
"Don't even bother trying to justify your actions, you'll just make it worse. Don't you think you've done enough damage?" I spat, pulling out my phone from my back pocket, "I just hope she was worth it, I really hope she makes you happy because I clearly didn't make you happy enough. Just a little heads up, next time you start falling for someone else, break it off with your current girlfriend first. It's easier than sneaking around."
My words were now laced with sarcasm as I flipped up my phone screen and sent a text to my best friend. I had already told her that I planned to confront Jesse this evening and she told me to text her so she could come get me. I was going to crash at hers for the night and sort everything else out tomorrow.

"W-what are you doing?" Jesse stuttered.
Only now did I notice the Jesse was crying, in fact no, sobbing. I simply wanted to run into his arms and soothe him, but I couldn't. He was the one that had decided to sneak around and cheat, I shouldn't have felt bad for him.
"I'm calling my friend, I'm going to sleepover at hers tonight." I turned on my heel and walk towards the bottom of the stairs, grabbing my prepacked, small suitcase of necessities for tonight and tomorrow.
"Please don't leave me doll, I can't live without you. Look I'm so fucking sorry, just stay and let me explain yo." Jesse begged, going to grab my arm once again.
"Maybe you should've thought about all of this before you decided to cheat...Remember this was all due to your actions." I looked down at the ground, trying to look anywhere apart from into Jesse's blue eyes that were begging and pleading for me to stay.

My phone pinged and a honk could be heard outside, signalling that my friend was here.
"I'll be back tomorrow to collect the rest of my things." I said with a lack of emotion in my words.
I had cried and sobbed so much that I was no longer able to hurt, I was just numb. Jesse tried to stop me leaving, but I pushed my way past him and swung the front door open, noticing my friends car parked right outside. I quickly threw my suitcase into the boot and jumped into the passenger's seat of her car, putting my belt on. I stupidly looked into Jesse's eyes one last time as we pulled out of the driveway and I could see the hurt and pain. He was broken, but he had broken my heart.

He gave me one last pleading look before we turned out onto the road and sped off towards my friend's house. As much as I would love to be in Jesse's comforting arms once again, I didn't know if I would ever be able to go back there and trust him. He was my whole world for the best part of two years and I blindly believed I was his, but clearly I was wrong...

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