Fuck you

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Your POV

Jesse and I were currently in a heated argument about god knows  what. When you are in a relationship, you often begin an argument with a serious point but by half way though, you argue about anything and everything that you can think of. That was exactly what we were doing currently.
"You know what, maybe if you stopped sneaking out all the time, I wouldn't worry!" I growled and Jesse rolled his eyes.
"I'm a fucking meth cook yo, I don't exactly have fixed hours. I just go in when I'm needed." Jesse shrugged his shoulders, "I thought you accepted that."
"Jesse I do accept that. I accept that you are a meth cook and you have random working hourw but all I ask is for you to text me and let me know." I sighed.
"I do, sometimes." Jesse said, "I mean I don't freak out when you go out without telling me, do I? You need to chill out yo!"

"You know what, fuck you!" I spat and Jesse laughed lightly.
"I mean I didn't think now was the time but if you want to, go ahead." Jesse smirked and somehow all of my anger automatically dissapeared.
I playfully hit him on the chest and jokingly rolled my eyes.
"Of course you are the only one to turn an argument into sex." I laughed.
"You know me." He shrugged.
I looked into his eyes for a second before laughing once again.
"Anyway, come on then. What the lady wants, the lady gets." He bit his lip, grabbing my hand and dragging me up the stairs, towards his bedroom.

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