The Stranger

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^^^^^ SEAN:  Kevin Lutolf (Image Credit: Google Images) ^^^^^

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^^^^^ SEAN:  Kevin Lutolf (Image Credit: Google Images) ^^^^^

The crowd outside of the club was large, everyone slowly making their way inside. Evan and myself made our way to the front of the line, Joey ,the club's doorman did a double take at first when he saw us, noticing our unusual clubbing outfits. With a small chuckle he waved us inside. The beat of the music pulsed through my body, I could already feel the stress from the dinner ebbing away as I took in my familiar surroundings. The dance floor was full and lively. We made our way through the crowd until we reached the bar.

 "Right, first ones on you remember." I smirked leaning against the bar and turning to face Evan.

 "Oh crap, why do I feel like my wallet is about to take a serious hit? ". He groaned half heartedly.

I chuckled as I turned to the barman, just as I was about to call him over a voice sounded on my other side.

"What can I get you this time Rox?"

 I turned around to see Ritchie, standing there placing a bottle of vodka back on the shelf.

 "Six shots of tequila please." 

 "Ah straight to the shots tonight, long day?"

 "Yeah, but it's looking up. " I smiled as I slipped my hand into Evan's back pocket and pulled out his wallet. 

 "Hey!" Evan called out as I handed over the card, Ritchie laughed, taking it from me.

 "Too slow for my ninja moves." I winked.

 "Your ninja moves have nothing on me." 

 "Alright you two, you really want to find out who's fastest?" Ritchie handed back the card, grabbing the tequila bottle and six shot glasses. Pouring them quickly he lined them up in front of us, " How about a good old fashioned race. Whichever one of you finishes those shots first, gets drinks on me for the rest of the night. " 

Me and Evan exchanged a glance before turning back to Ritchie.

 "Okay, deal."

 Straightening up, we got ready as Ritchie counted us in... 

 "Three... Two... One... Go!"

 I grabbed the first shot, throwing it back and feeling the familiar burn as the alcohol slipped down fast, I'd barely managed to swallow it when I chucked back the second, then third. As I slammed the last shot glass down on to the bar, Evan was right there with me. I wasn't sure which of us had made it, it was definitely close.

 "Roxy, ya just got it," he smiled, Evan let out a groan as I threw my hands inn the air in mock celebration. "Well done, what will it be?"

 "Same again please. "

 "Hope you're ready Ritch, she'll drink you right out of your wages for the month mate." 

 A few drinks later and Evan had wandered off, a couple of girls nearby had caught his attention and he'd decided it was his duty to go and keep them entertained. I'd stayed behind watching him as he took up his usual routine with them. At least,  until someone more interesting, caught my eye. As a group of people vacated the dance floor, moving towards the exit, I noticed a guy sat on his own in a corner at the end of the bar. He tilted a glass of drink in his hand, looking like he was deep in thought before draining it in one. As I watched him, he turned slightly and my eyes met his for just a second before he turned away once more. I wasn't sure why, but I wanted to go over. I'd never been shy, and usually I wouldn't even give a second thought to approaching a guy, not that I usually needed to. But with him, I couldn't miss the "Fuck off" vibe he was giving off and I couldn't help wonder if my presence might not be welcome. Even though I'm a confident person and don't look for acceptance in others, rejection still stings. And in a way I guess it's one of the reasons why I don't do relationships, the idea of letting someone know me... All of me, then choosing to not accept me and just throw me away hurts. Before I could decide for myself whether to make a move or not, Ritchie spoke up from behind me, making me jump.

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