Onwards and...

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I barely slept that night, tossing and turning as my mind and heart battled within me, trying to decide whether I was making a mistake. The decision that I swore to myself was the right one, wasn't settling well with my aching heart. I was sure that I had to walk away. I couldn't get involved in this overly complicated disaster with Sean. It would bring nothing other than pain and catastrophe. Besides, it wasn't like there was anything between us, right?

"Argh!" I groaned, throwing my pillow across the room and sitting up. I kicked my legs over the edge of the bed, noting the time on the clock at my side, three forty-six am. I slunk out of my room, and down the stairs, where I ended up in the kitchen, my feet tingling with the cold from the hardwood floor. I knew I had to be at work in just a few hours, and without sleep, it was going to be torture, as if with everything else on my mind, it would be anything less than that anyway. I pulled open the fridge, and pulled out the bottle of milk. Pouring some into a jug, I placed it in the microwave, thinking a mug of hot chocolate might do the trick. Not long later, I was wrapped in a blanket on the sofa, sipping the hot drink and beginning to feel drowsy. I pushed everything out of my head, deciding I could face it all in the morning, or not. The last thought I remembered before fading into sleep, was just how easy it would be, if I just disappeared, packed a bag and jetted off to some tropical island, leaving all my family drama and Mel and Sean behind.

A loud ringing sound caused me to jump, the sudden jolt out of my sleep made my heart beat so furiously that it felt like it was about to leap out of my chest. I looked around for my phone, before I realised that I'd fallen asleep on the sofa, I leapt off the sofa, racing out into the hall and up the stairs, maneuvering the sharp turn of the doorways with excellent precision given my still half asleep state. I jumped onto the bed, reaching for my phone, and accepting the call just in time.


"Rox, where are you?" Kennedy's voice rang out in my ear.

Shit! I pulled the clock around to face me and swore, pushing back off the bed.

"Kens, I'm sorry, I will be right there, just gimme twenty minutes." I spoke fast as I sped into the bathroom.

"Okay, I'll hold things down, but you know that the Raddison's want you to manage their event, if you aren't here when they arrive, we will lose the account."

"Right, here's what you do. Go to the deli across the road, order a platter of sandwiches, and pastries, pull a bottle of champagne from the store room, and set it up in the conference room. If they get there before me, tell them I am just discussing some final details of another account with the caterers, and let them help themselves. I will be there as soon as I can."

I hung up and quickly busied myself getting ready. At record speed I managed to get dressed and put on a light dusting of subtle make up. I was soon pulling up outside of work, and making my way to the conference room.

"Thank god you made it." Kennedy gasped, springing forwards and holding out a bright orange file.

"They're not here yet?" I asked, taking the file and glancing at the still empty office.

"No, I set the room up ready, would you like me to show them in there when they arrive, or your office?"

"Get them settled in there, and text me the minute they're in the building. I need to go do something quickly."

I made my way to my office and finally relaxed. Taking a moment to compose myself, I ran my fingers through my hair, tidying the flyaway bits from the rush, and smoothed the front of my white pencil dress. I locked my handbag in my desk drawer, and was just about to leave as my phone buzzed in my hand, it was Kennedy, letting me know it was time. I set off back towards the office, this kind of meeting wasn't unusual for me, it was part of my job, certain clients who were intent on having everything the way they want, and not hesitating to make an issue if things failed to turn out their way. Somehow though, today, I just didn't feel like dealing with it. I was tired, and now that I had gained a few moments to myself, the battle from last night was threatening to overwhelm me once more. Mentally shaking the thoughts, I took a breath and strolled into the room, greeting the clients with a calm and professional manner, before starting the meeting.

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