Down, But Not Out

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The next couple of weeks were hard, well harder than hard. Evan had barely left my side since the night he dragged my drunk ass home from the bar. He knew how badly it was hitting me, and the calls and texts from Sean were making it worse. He clearly still knew something else was going on and he wasn't willing to drop it. Although I knew it was dicing with danger, I couldn't bring myself to do the necessary thing to keep us both free of Mel's firing zone, I couldn't hurt him. Instead, I ignored his messages, I declined his calls, I hoped they would stop, but it seemed like the more time that passed, the more he pursued me. I could only guess the impending doom of the wedding was to blame for his persistence. Especially when it didn't stop there. He'd even made a few house calls. I couldn't bear to see him, I had been reduced to the very thing that I never wanted to become. A wreck! I felt like all my strength had evaporated, as if my will and desire to do anything had been sucked through the huge hole in my chest. I couldn't comprehend how anyone could have so much power over someone, or how I had allowed this to happen without realising it.

After one particular late night house call on Sean's part, and his insistence that he would keep coming back until he saw me, Evan had packed some of my stuff into a bag and taken me to his. The night I unpacked my stuff there, I realised that I had to get real. I was going to take this time to pull myself back together. I had made my choice. I did it to protect him, and no matter the heartache it's caused me, I would do it every single time. So, I had to own it, and more than that, I had to fight back, I was not going to let Mel break me. If she thought that it would destroy me, she didn't know me at all.

Towards the end of November, I was still at Evan's, but no longer as a wreck who sought a hideaway. I'd even managed to go back to work. I was still hurting, but my ability to shove it down and get on with life was getting stronger. I refused to remain down, because I was definitely not out. One particular Monday morning, I was sitting in the kitchen with Evan, debating the importance of chocolate cereal, when my phone rang. I glanced at the caller ID and groaned.

"Your mother again?" Evan said, glancing at the screen and rolling his eyes.

She was an annoying pain in the ass I'd been dealing with lately. Of course after the whole punching Mel thing, she had run along and told our parents. I'd received an angry voicemail from my mother a few days later stating how I was very lucky that she wasn't pressing charges. Since then, she'd called multiple times a week, not that she got a hold of me, I'd been happily ignoring her every call.

"She won't give up you know." Evan said, pushing my phone towards me.

"You'd think she would, especially after I paid Andrea to answer her call and pretend she found my phone in the street."

Evan laughed as I gave up and answered the call.

"Mother." I sighed

"Finally! Why haven't you been answering my calls?"

"Well, do you want the long answer or the short one?"

"Don't be smart with me Roxanne. Do you realise the effort I have been putting in trying to reach you?"

"That's true, I mean it can't be easy dialing the phone with cloven hooves."

Evan nearly spat his coffee out at my sarcastic tone. I knew pushing her wasn't the best idea, but it was too easy and I needed a little more fun in my days.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that, I am your mot-"

"Did you actually call for something? Or not?"

She paused for a moment, a beat of silence passed and I was sure that the abruptness of my question was a surprise to her.

"Yes. You've got a job to do. Melody's bridal shower. She wants you to plan it. "

"As fun as that sounds," About as much as a hole in the head, I thought, "I think I'll give it a miss."

"No, you won't. You've slacked enough in the preparation for this wedding. Mel wants you involved, and there on the day. After that awful stunt you pulled, attacking her like that, I think it's very big of her to involve you in any way. Now, grow up and start supporting your sister."

I knew exactly what Mel was doing. She wanted to push the wedding in my face, she wanted to watch me crumble and fall in front of her and see just how badly she'd hurt me. She was going to keep doing this right up until the wedding day. Dragging me in, and forcing me to plan and watch her prepare to marry Sean, but that's when I had an idea.

"You know what, fine, I'll do it."

I hung up before she could say anymore, finishing my sentence as I put my phone on the counter:

"And it'll be perfect."

I turned to Evan with a smile.

"Looks like I have a bridal shower to plan."

He narrowed his gaze, looking at me curiously.

"Why do you have your evil look on? What are you thinking?"

I sat down, pulling Evan's cereal bowl closer and helping myself.

"So many things, allow me to explain." I smirked.

He took another spoon and dipped it into the bowl.

"I'm all ears."

I dedicated the rest of my week to pulling together the perfect shower for Mel. With Evan's help, everything was on track and everything that I had planned was finalised. He even went the extra mile, going to Mel's office and getting the names of a few of her superiors, who he then sweet talked into attending and keeping it a secret.

"Fancy a celebratory drink?" Evan asked, holding up a bottle.

"You know what? I think I will." I replied with a nod.

He poured out a couple of glasses, passing one to me, before sitting beside me.

"To the perfect bridal shower." He smiled, lifting his glass to mine.

I smirked, tilting my own to meet his.

"Cheers." I replied.

We threw back our drinks, then kicked our feet up, leaning back on the sofa and directing our view to the crappy late night shows that were about the only thing on at this hour. My phone chimed with a message, just as I reached for the bowl of doritos. With a quick glance, I saw it was from Mel. I picked it up, unlocking my screen and reading the message.

Seems you came through with the shower, I'm glad. Afterall we can't have people wondering why the Bride's sister is never around, can we.

I'm sure you can understand, my fiance won't be coming, I don't want you being too tempted to go back on our deal.

I could practically hear her pompous voice, and see her smug grin, the one I so often wanted to slap from her face, but this time, it just made me smile. Evan had read it over my shoulder and I heard him laugh.

"I don't regret anything." He smiled.

"Funny that, neither do I." I replied.

When the night itself finally arrived, I took my time getting ready, then joined Evan in the hallway. His eyes raked over my body and his face broke into a grin.

"Oh, wow, you look incredible Rox."

Evan gestured to himself,

"So, what do you think?"

"Perfect." I smirked. "Time to get this show on the road."

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