Avoidance and Diversions

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Wednesday evening found me walking through the front door and making it as far as the sofa before flopping down and kicking off my heels, rubbing the soles of my aching feet I sighed as the pain in them began to subside. I picked up the remote and switched on the tv, flicking through some channels, I passed through the music category, when a good sounding song started up. Deciding to leave it on I tossed the remote back onto the sofa and walked to the kitchen, the soft fluffy feel of the carpet against my bare feet was like walking on a cloud.

Opening the fridge I pulled out a carton of orange juice and poured a glass, then made my way back into the living room, just in time to hear my phone chime with another message. I paused, the glass poised just before my lips as my eyes honed in on my phone. The blinking blue light signalling the waiting message. I had a good idea who it would be from. He hasn't stopped messaging me since that day in the park a few days back. My heart thumped in my chest as I remembered that moment between us, the feel of his lips on mine. That kiss had been on my mind almost every moment, every day that had passed since it happened, as had that moment where I had pulled away and run off. I hadn't heard his explanation about the arrangement, hadn't listened to what he said about him and Mel. Instead, for the first time in my life, I panicked and ran away. I could still hear him calling after me. He had texted later that night, he'd called several times, left voicemails. I hadn't replied once. My heart had ached with longing when I listened to his voice as he practically pleaded for me to pick up the phone, to text back, to hear him out. But I forced myself not to. I had to stop this right here, no matter what was going on, he was still engaged to Mel... to my own sister. Even though we aren't close, especially after the other day, we are blood. I can't be getting close to her fiancee, fake or not. Can I?

"Oh for fuck's sake Rox." I scolded myself covering the rest of the distance to the table and picking up my phone. I took a deep breath as I unlocked the screen and stared at the message in front of me.

What do you say to a drink and a game of pool at the pub? x

I laughed as I saw Evan's name above the message, texting a quick reply to him:

Sure, Green Archer, half an hour? x

It was the perfect distraction, a good simple, quiet night out. Barely a second later he had replied, agreeing. Clutching my phone into my hand I went upstairs and in to my bedroom, throwing my phone onto my bed I took hold of the zip on my dress, sliding it down and slipping the straps off my shoulders before letting it fall to the ground, pooling at my feet. Stepping forwards I pulled open the doors to my wardrobe, grabbed a pair of light skinny jeans from the shelf, a black long sleeved top and a pair of wedges and got changed. I'd just finished putting on my shoes when my phone rang. Sighing I crossed the room, scooping it up and answering it without even checking the ID.

"Gimme five minutes Ev-" I started before a voice cut me off.

"Not Evan." Mel said calmly, "I take it you two are off out again tonight?"

Rolling my eyes and mentally kicking myself for not checking who it was before picking up I replied:

"You mean to go get drunk and be a slut?"

I picked up my small cross body bag and shoved my purse inside then moved out of the room, walking down the stairs as Mel continued.

"I never called you a slut."

"Pretty much, anyway it's clear I have plans, so what do you want?" I said coldly, pausing at the bottom of the stairs. I heard Mel sigh on the other end,

"Okay, I guess I deserved that,  I just wanted to talk to you."

An uncomfortable silence stretched for a few beats until Mel caved and continued:

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