Bonus Chapter: Sean's P.O.V Part 2

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I drove away from Roxy's place feeling lighter. I meant what I said earlier. I was calling it off with Mel. I'd known it for days, maybe even longer. The more time I'd spent with Roxy, the more I knew that I could never tie myself to Mel. I knew I'd be breaking a promise, I'd be walking away from a deal with a friend, something that I never thought that I'd do. But in all honesty, I'd walk away from anything, as long as it brought me back to Roxy. I knew my family would understand. My parents liked Mel, but then again they liked most people. My family was notoriously good hearted. Even my sister, although she could have a rough exterior. She had made her opinion of Mel well known for a while now, ever since the first time she met her. I wasn't sure how she knew about Roxy, of course I'd mentioned her, who she was, what she was like etc, but I hadn't spoken of my feelings towards her. Not to anyone. It wasn't that I didn't want to, quite the opposite, I wanted to tell everyone, but until the wedding was officially cancelled, I couldn't speak of it.

Walking through the door of my place a little later I changed and got into bed, wondering how I could ensure that me breaking things off with Mel, wouldn't end badly for anyone. I wanted her to still get her promotion, I just needed to figure out how. Preferably quickly, because there was no way I was going to hold off from being with her any longer.


I watched as she disappeared from view. Leaving me confused and with my heart crushed. I knew something was wrong, something that she wasn't telling me. We were going to be together, she knew that, and she wanted it too. I knew she did. I had no idea why she didn't tell me what was going on. I could see it in her eyes, the pain, the sadness. There was no way that it was the look of someone happily ending a relationship. If she really didn't want to be with me, she wouldn't have been so obviously in pain. I tried to think of anything that she might have said that would explain it, have a hidden meaning perhaps, but the ache inside my chest was too much, and my mind was cloudy with the fear that I'd lost her for good. Did I do something, was I to blame for this? Of course I was, I'd been the one to put her into this situation. I was the one who had yet to break up with Mel... Mel. I swore loudly, a passing woman turned to scowl at me, but I didn't care. I stormed from the park, anger coursing through me. She has to have something to do with this, it's the only thing that makes sense.

I arrived back at the office, punching the lift button and then storming out when I reached the floor. I didn't wait for her assistant to allow me through, I just marched right on in. Mel's face rose from behind her laptop, she took off her glasses and looked surprised to see me.

"Sean, what are you doing here?"

It was then that I noticed her eye, half covered with makeup, but still, a dark purple tinge was clearly visible.

"What happened to your eye?" I asked, I tried to stifle the anger in my tone, but I still sounded cold, distant.

She pulled her fringe over it, trying to shield it from view.

"It's nothing, I'm okay. I already got it checked out."

"What happened?" I repeated.

It seemed a bit of a coincidence to me that she had a black eye on the same day that Roxy broke up with me. I knew Roxy was a feisty type, I also knew she could defend herself, she had before. Mel's eyes narrowed at me, I couldn't make out what was going on in her mind. The next minute, she broke into tears, clutching at her desk and holding a hand to her lips.

I was instantly taken aback, I didn't know what was going on, I'd never seen Mel cry like this, maybe even at all.

"It was so scary,"

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