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My eyes immediately scanned over him, his light jeans tucked into black boots and with a long sleeved white shirt that clung to his muscular torso in just the right way. He was clutching car keys in one hand and had a concerned look on his face as he rushed forwards.

"Roxy are you okay?!" His words tumbled out when he reached me, his hand lifting to gently cup my cheek, keeping our gaze locked on one another. My heart skipped at the contact, causing me to momentarily lose my voice. The now familiar, delicious scent of his cologne wrapped around me, igniting my senses causing my blood to heat.

"Roxy?" He whispered, his breath warm against my skin.

"I'm fine, it was nothing." I managed to get out, my voice hushed, whilst I looked into the brown eyes that were mere inches from me.

Conscious that we were still in the police station, I pulled back a little. Sean didn't seem to register anything about the move, his focus still solely on me as he spoke once again.

"Your sister called me, said you'd been in a bar fight and been arrested."

"Shit, does she have a mute button," I muttered rolling my eyes, "Look I'm sorry she bothered you for this, I wasn't arrested so it's no big deal, I just had to give my statement."

"Do you think I care about the arrest? I was worried that you'd been hurt."

His eyes raked over me as he scanned for any injuries, I tried to slide my hand behind me slightly to cover the scraped and now bruised knuckles, but he was too fast. With lightning speed he took hold of my wrist, lifting it to inspect the marks, his expression was of total rage and for a moment I expected him to explode at me. Instead he squeezed his eyes closed and calmly asked:

"What happened?"

I glanced over my shoulder, noticing the female officer now looking our way, clearly interested in what was going on.

"Not here." I whispered, giving a slight tilt of my head towards the officer nearby.

Sean nodded slightly and together we walked outside.

"Where's your car?" I asked taking a quick glance around at the nearby cars.

"This way, come on."

He lead me around the corner and towards a sleek black BMW, pressing the button on the keys in his hand the car let out a beep, the lights flashing as the doors were unlocked. Climbing into the passenger side, I'd barely closed the door before he asked again.

"What happened tonight Roxy?"

"It was just a bit of trouble with a drunk creep in the pub." I shrugged, feeling a little awkward under the insensity of his burning gaze.

"Did he touch you?" His voice came out as a growl, tilting his head to indicate towards my hand he continued, "Did he hurt you?"

"No, well yes," I saw the rage increasing at my answer and immediately rushed to finish, "He touched me, but didn't hurt me."

"How did you hurt your hand then?"

"I punched him." I shrugged.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, the edge of his lip arching up in a small smile.

"It was just a big scene over a small thing. Me and Evan were just out drinking and playing a few rounds of pool, some guy was drunk, I'd brushed him off earlier, seems he didn't take the hint that well." Sean listened to my explanation, his expression going between calm and angry faster than a set of traffic lights. "He came over, started making a few comments, then he kind of... slapped my ass." the last three words came out as a whisper as I refused to meet his eyes, however the whispering was in vain as he caught each word clearly and the rage was back.

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