Ch. 1

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"Ladybug, I think it's time for your lucky charm. This cat doesn't want to lose one of his nine lives!" Cat Noir yelled as he hit the deck, narrowly avoiding the car that flew towards him. He ran behind an upturned car, and Ladybug joined him.

He and Ladybug were currently trying to stop Sonic, a large, muscular villain that could deliver very painful super sonic punches. The heroes believed his akuma laid in the sweat band on his arm. He was trying to be the ruler of Paris, so no one could make fun of him anymore. He was also trying to capture Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous.

Ladybug stood. "Lucky charm!" She screamed over the chaos. A fishing rod fell into her hands.

"A fishing rod?"

"Beats me, Milady, but you better think of something fast otherwise we'll be fish food."

"Come out, Ladybug and Cat Noir; I need your miraculous!"

Ladybug looked around; a plan was starting to form.

"Cat Noir, I need you to keep him busy. I'll come from the side and get the akuma."

Cat Noir nodded his understanding. "Got ya covered, Milady." He stood and ran off into the chaos.

"You should never make enemies with black cats, Sonic! I hear they're bad luck."

Ladybug stood and peeked around the side of the car. So far so good. She watched as Cat Noir and Sonic exchanged blows. Cat Noir barley missed a punch from Sonic, and Ladybug's heart skipped a beat. Instead his fist met the ground, which cracked the concrete along the city's block. Once the earth stopped shaking from the impact, Ladybug took a deep breath, stood, and ran toward Sonic. She came at his side, preparing to cast the fishing rod out at him. He didn't see her because he was too busy with Cat Noir. Ladybug ran hard, her feet hitting the ground. All of a sudden she felt herself lunge forward, and a strangled cry escaped her lips. Her foot had hit the broken concrete, and she went flying toward Sonic. Her cry had alerted him to her presence, and he turned to see her flying toward him with a fishing rod. Ladybug recovered quickly and twisted her body, aiming the fishing rod at Sonic. He was ready though, and drew back his arm. His heavy fist met Ladybugs head, and his powerful blow sent her flying backwards. Ladybug's head felt like a house had been dropped on it. She sailed backwards and hit the pavement. Her head slammed into the hard ground, and Ladybug's world went black.  

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