Ch. 6

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Adrien looked at his watch. Thirty minutes had passed since Marinette went to the bathroom. He leaned over her empty seat and tapped Alya on the shoulder.

"Do you want to go check on Marinette? She's been gone an awfully long time." He whispered. Alya nodded her consent. She got up and walked to the girls bathroom. Nino looked at him questioningly. Adrien shrugged. I hope Marinette is okay. He thought for the gazillionth time that day. Marinette has been acting super strange lately. She seems tired, and sick. Something must be wrong. I just hope she's okay. Alya came ten minutes later and sat down. Marinette wasn't with her. Adrien's stomach lurched with worry for his friend.

He leaned over to Alya. "Is she okay?"

Alya shook her head, clearly worried. "She left. I'll explain after."

They sat there and watched the remainder of the movie. Adrien wasn't fully able to enjoy it because he was too worried about Marinette. Some parts he was able to enjoy though. The movie is good, but nowhere near the truth.

Another thirty minutes passed, and the movie was over. They filed out of the theater with the rest of the crowds. Only when they were out were they able to talk.

"What happened with Marinette?" Adrien asked.

"Yeah, where did she go?" Nino asked.

Alya shook her head. "She got sick. Her mom came and picked her up. She refuses to admit she's not well though."

"She must have the stomach bug." Nino shuddered. "I hate the stomach bug."

Adrien wouldn't have it though. Something in Alya's facial expression told him there was more to the story.

"Alya, if it's just the stomach bug why do you look so worried?"

Alya looked at him, and her eyes were indeed filled with worry. "When I found her, she was sitting on the floor of the restroom. She couldn't remember what happened."

Adrien's pulse quickened. "What do you mean?"

"She thought she had just entered the bathroom; she thought only a few minutes had passed. When I told her she was gone for half an hour, she didn't believe me." The three friends stood in silence as they digested this piece of news.

Adrien's bodyguard pulled up. "Hopefully she'll be better tomorrow." Adrien suggested, but it sounded hollow. He hopped into the car and waved goodbye. They waved back, and the car drove off.

Plagg flew out of his hiding spot. "What's the matter, Adrien?"

"Something's wrong with Marinette. I don't know what it is though." He sighed. "I hate feeling helpless."

"I thought your only love was Ladybug."

"She is my only love, Plagg, but Marinette is one of my only friends, and friends are irreplaceable."

"Marinette will probably be better tomorrow."

"I just wish you were right, Plagg." Adrien sighed and looked out the window. For some reason, the usually bright, happy city of Paris looked dull and bleak.

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