Ch. 7

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Marinette laid on her bed. Her parents were standing over her, both of them worried sick.

"Dad, I promise you I didn't forget." Marinette said weakly. Her dad didn't look convinced.

"Why would Alya tell us you didn't remember then?"

"I... I didn't remember at first, but once Mom picked me up I did remember, honest." Both her parents shared a worried look.

"If you say so, Marinette. Just promise me you'll tell us when you aren't feeling well from now on. You know you can tell us anything, Marinette." Her mother said.

Not everything, I'm afraid. "I know I can, Mom."

Marinette's parents nodded. "Just get a good night's sleep tonight, Marinette. You can stay home from school until you feel better."

Marinette shook her head, which didn't help the pain at all. "I can't. I have a test tomorrow in Ms. Bustier's class. I can't miss it."

"I'm sure she'll understand."

"Please, Mom." Marinette begged. Her mom sighed. "If you feel up to it tomorrow, I suppose you can go, but if you puke once during the night, you're staying home."

Marinette hugged her mom. "Thanks." They said goodnight to her and left. Tikki flew up to Marinette.

"Why did you lie to them about your memory?"

"If I told them the truth they'd take me to the doctor, and I'd have to explain the whole 'ladybug' thing."

"You could make up a story."

"I don't like lying to them, Tikki."

"But aren't you lying more this way?"

"I don't really want to talk about it right now, Tikki." Marinette brought her legs up to her chest, hoping the pain would go away. Tikki kissed her cheek.

"Feel better, Marinette."

A Miraculous Tale: FlashbackWhere stories live. Discover now