Chapter Two

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♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ Your POV ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪

I woke up the next morning. 6:00am. My flight leaves in 8 hours. I can't wait to get out of this hell hole. I'm so depressed here. I'm not able to go outside and make friends, so my only friends is my brother, but he's always locked in an empty dark room. "Hey, bro? I just wanted to say goodbye and give you a hug before I left." I said opening the door. 'He looks so upset' "Do you have to leave? You're my only friend. Don't leave, I'll have no one." He said as tears dripped of the bottom of his chin. "I have no choice. Mom said I have to, but let me tell you a secret." I said leaning close to his ear. "I promise, that as soon as I make friends, I'll tell them about you and try and get them to help me break you out of here. You got that? I'll come back for you." I said quietly, then started crying on his shoulder. "I love you, but I have to go now. Goodbye." I said. It's so hard. Saying goodbye to your best friend, your brother, the only person you had. "(Y/N). I have something for you." He handed me a box. I left the room and opened it. He had gotten me a kitten, so that I wasn't alone. This kitten was different though, he was able to grow wings and fly. He could also talk and blow fire. Must be a catdragon. Then I thought about my brother again. I'm leaving him alone. Alone. He's not good alone. Plus mom abuses us, so I feel like such a bad person leaving him in this position. His words kept ringing through my head as I was walking out of the door. 'Don't leave...' I jumped on my broom and flew to the airport, of course I have to put on soul protect so no one can see that I'm a witch.

*Time Skip by Nachos*

♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ Your POV ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪

I arrived in Death City. I was so... Dark. I like it. I went to a realtor to see if they had any apartment buildings I could live in. There was one that wasn't too much money so I bought it. I didn't spend too long making myself at home. I used magic to unpack my room. I didn't have to buy any thing other than a tv. I plugged in my (Xbox/PS3) and turned on Netflix. "Hey, Finn! I'm cooking your favourite for supper!" I called to my catdragon. "FIIIISH!!!" We said in unison. "Can you put on Black Butler, while I cook?" I asked. He flew to the tv and put it on. When I was finished cooking we sat on the couch and ate while we watched our favourite anime together.

(=^ω^=) Finn's POV (=^ω^=)

We had fish for supper and decided to go out for a while. We were walking around town, well actually (Y/N) was walking around town, I was in her backpack with my head resting on her shoulder. Death City is really cool. "(Y/N), can we go to the beach and watch the sun set?" I asked as cutely as possible. "Sure, I'll bring a fishing rod and hopefully we can catch something." She said. "GOOD IDEA!" I screamed thinking of fish. When we got to the beach ( Y/N) gave me a fishing rod. We cast out and fished while we watched the sun set on this beautiful day. We heard noises coming from the bush behind us. My heart stopped and I sat as stuff as a board. (Y/N) turned around and looked at the bush. "Is someone there?" She said, there was not a hint of fright in her voice. "I AM THE ALMIGHTY BLACKSTAR!" Said a boy jumping down from a tree. "I'm (Y/N) and this is Finn." She said.

★★★★★ BlackStar's POV ★★★★★

This girl is strange, so is her cat. Her cat was sitting up like a human with a fishing rod in its hands. Smart. "I'm (Y/N) and this is Finn." She said. Her voice gave me butterflies. "Hiya!" The cat said. Wait that cat just spoke?! "HOW CAN THAT CAT TALK?!?" I said jumping back a bit. "I don't know, but he's not fully a cat. He's a catdragon. He can grow wings." (Y/N) said. "That's awesome! BUT NOT AS AWESOME AS M-" I was cut off by another girl. "Blackstar, stop yelling. You're too loud. Oh, who's this?" Tsubaki said, emerging out of the bushes and brushing the dirt and leaves off of her clothing. "I'm (Y/N). This is my catdragon, Finn." (Y/N) said smiling at Tsubaki. Her smile was so cute. It was perfect and I felt myself blush at the sight of her smile. "A catdragon? I thought they were extinct." Tsubaki said. "Apparently not." (Y/N) Said. "Hey, (Y/N)? Are you by any chance going to school at the DWMA?" I asked, actually speaking quietly. "Yes I am." She replied.

Bam! Chapter two is UP! BE HAPPY! These chapters are short because I'm out of town at the moment so I don't have time to upload that much.

Soul: When do I come into the story?

"Shut up, Soul."

Soul: Not cool, A.K.

"Shut. Up. Soul."


"Natsu, these are short chapters. I'm just trying to start another book for the Soul Eater fans."

Natsu: Fine. Our next chapter better be really good.

"It will."

Death The Kid: Shut up you asymmetrical brats. A.K., you're doing great.

"Thanks Kiddo-kun!"

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