Chapter One

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♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ Your Point Of View ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪

"(Y/N) I'm sending you to DWMA." My mom said. Like I could give a shit where she sent me. As long as I don't have to see her again. You see, my mom doesn't like me. She just uses me. My moms a witch and my dad was a weapon, before my mom, his miester, killed him on purpose. Making me inherit his powers. He wasn't a normal weapon though. He could take on many different forms. Now that he's dead I have his powers. I still have to learn most of them. Right now I can turn into a Flame sword, and a shadow bow. He was an elemental weapon. "What about my brother? Where's he going?" You asked. You were close to him. He was your best friend. "He's staying here." My mother said. "Why isn't he coming?" I asked a little pissed off. "Because, I said so." She responded. "Fine, when do I start." I asked getting more annoyed than ever. "One week from now. You are to go there, get an apartment and attend school. Try and find a miester that can handle you. There's also one more thing. You're a witch and they don't like witches, so you're going to have to tell Lord Death, Spirit, and whatever friends you make that you're one. There are two miesters there that you have to make friends with as soon as you get there. Their names are Death The Kid and Maka. They will instantly know you're a witch so Lord Death and I set up a meeting. On the first day you attend school you are to go to his office. Maka and Death The Kid will be there with Spirit and their weapons. That's when you tell them. If it doesn't go well, come home." She explained to me. "Ok, cool I guess. I'll start packing my stuff." I snapped my fingers and all of my stuff jumped into one little bag. "You're flight there is tomorrow. You have 6 days to find an apartment and get settled then school starts."

Short beginning chapter. Hehe. How is it? Who's your mom? What does your brother look like? Doesn't matter yet so tee hee. I'll update soon!

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