chapter three.

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"Good evening, Lady Aurelia," the warm voice of Renly Baratheon greeted Rey as she stepped into her father's chambers. They were thrice the size of her own, but far messier. The servants came in daily to tidy, but somehow, Symon Marigot always found a way to rush through his belongings like a gust of wind.

"Lord Renly," Rey dipped her head in response, a kind smile on her lips. She truly adored the brother of the King, he had always been good to her and never once treated her ill. "I'm sorry to hear about your brother."

"It was bound to happen at some point," the man shrugged, though his eyes were tired and downtrodden. He had made the journey back and it was apparent that he had hardly slept at all, though that was understandable considering his situation. "Your father insisted I join the pair of you for supper, seeing as he had important matters to discuss with me."

"I see," Rey hummed, stepping towards the table in the centre of the room and allowing her handmaiden, Elise, to pull a chair out for her. There was a good amount of food on the decorated table, though it didn't seem too appealing to Rey in that moment. She looked back up at Renly, who was pouring himself a drink.

Before she could say anything else, her father came bumbling in through the door, scrolls and books in his arms. The tall, gangly man peered over the top of his belongings to see his daughter and good friend at his table for the meal he had planned. Of course, he was later than anyone else. "Gods, is it that time already? I'm not too tardy am I?"

"On the contrary," Renly smiled endearingly towards the Lord, standing up to aid him with his things. "You're just on time. Aurelia arrived only moments ago."

"Ah yes," Symon nodded towards his daughter, who returned it. Despite their many years living together in the Red Keep, the two had never seemed to build a strong relationship. They loved each other, that was undeniable, but they didn't have enough in common to connect. Rey often saw Ned Stark with Arya and Sansa, and how he spoke to them every opportunity he had. It must have been nice, having a father that made an effort.

After placing his things on his desk with the help of Renly, the two men sat either side of Rey as dinner was served. They began muttering to each other about King Robert's state, as well as what they assumed would happen upon his death. Rey sat silently, staring at her plate of pork with a sullen expression.

Truthfully, she didn't want King Robert to die. She had only met him once or twice in court, and he wouldn't have remembered who she was even if she had put a sign with her name above her head. He was a drunk and a careless man, but he was better than the people around him. He didn't desire power the same way the Lannisters or the noble Lords did -- at this point it was clear he just wanted a way out.

"With Ned Stark back as Hand of the King, there's no doubt that he'll put the kingdoms at rest," Symon spoke in his gentle voice as he cut into the food on his plate. He didn't spare a glance towards Rey, his mind was far too focused on other things. It wasn't his fault though, while he loved his daughter very much, there were important issues to attend to as a present member of the small council. "He's a very level-headed man."

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