chapter seven.

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Rey wasn't angry at Ser Hogarth often. She never had reason to be; in fact, she shouldn't have been frustrated with him now. He was only fulfilling his duty to her family as he had sworn to do, and though he loved her like a daughter, this wasn't something he could let her go through with.

"I swore an oath to your father that I'd get you home safe," the man said in his usual gruff tone, though there was a hint of irritation. Rey glared at him from where she sat in her room, crossing her arms like a petulant child. She wasn't behaving like the lady she was meant to be, and in that moment, she didn't care in the slightest.

"You're too late, I've sent a raven to Irvin to tell him what I plan to do," she held her chin high. "I'm accepting Lady Olenna's offer to stay here for the next year, on the condition that I accept the betrothal he has planned for me."

Hogarth clenched his jaw. "This isn't a good decision, Aurelia. You have not seen your brother and mother in a long time-

"You are a knight, not an advisor," she responded coldly, to which he straightened his posture and cleared his throat. Instantly, a surge of guilt filled Rey's stomach and she opened her mouth to apologise, before she shut it again. She had said it, and now she couldn't take it back.

Hogarth didn't respond, he only nodded once, before turning on his heel and walking out of the room. Rey faltered a little bit once he left, feeling a little sick. She had never spoken to him like that before -- like he was lesser than she was. He wasn't; he was worth a hundred times more.


"I'm glad you decided to stay with us for the time being, Rey," Margaery grinned, combing her fingers through Rey's hair the next evening. The young girl was still feeling a little upset about how she had spoken to her knight, and how he hadn't bothered to acknowledge her since. "Perhaps you can travel with Renly and I once he declares himself for the throne."

"Perhaps," Rey forced a soft smile, as her mind was somewhere else completely. She fiddled with her fingers anxiously, her eyes constantly flickering to the door in hopes Hogarth would appear. He never did.

"What's troubling you, my dear?" the Tyrell woman asked gently, placing her hand on Rey's shoulder. Rey dipped her head and little and she looked into her lap. "You can tell me anything."

"What will happen to Ser Hogarth?" Rey inquired, her voice so quiet it could've passed as a whisper. She was fearful; fearful he would leave her on her own. "What if father finds out that he left me here by myself?"

"You aren't here by yourself, little bee," Margaery assured her, but that didn't settle Rey's nerves. "Why not ask Ser Hogarth to stay here with you?"

"He wouldn't want to," Rey sighed. "He hates me. Maybe he's right. I should go back to Dewacreage."

Margaery paused, before kneeling down beside Rey's chair. It was very candid of the woman compared to how she had acted in official events, but it was comforting. It felt like she was something of an older sibling. Rey hadn't felt that way about anyone in a long time. There was Gendry, but he was her best friend and the kind of person she wished she could marry. There was Arya, but she was more of a little sister than a mentor. Hogarth was like a father, but often there were things even parents didn't know.

"I'm not one to stop you, Aurelia," the woman began, resting her hand on Rey's. "But I believe you should do what is best for you, not someone else. I can see that you are not selfish or of greed, which is why I encourage you to choose on behalf of your own benefit. You won't face any consequences, and I'm sure Ser Hogarth won't either. You are a lady of a great house, don't allow yourself to be seen as less worthy than others."

Rey swallowed the lump in her throat and sniffled a little. Was Margaery right? Maybe, maybe not. The two held different values, but they were inherently quite similar. Rey was a little more brattish in her youth where Margaery was more manipulative, though their hearts were in the right places.

"Do you know anything about your betrothed?" Margaery changed the subject so that Rey didn't remain uncomfortable. She straightened up a little and shook her head. "That's alright, I'm sure he will be lovely. What do you think you'll call your children?"

Rey choked a little at those words. "Pardon?"

Margaery chuckled and took her by the hand, leading her over to the window seat. "The men who surround us assume we have one purpose - carry on their noble bloodlines. I disagree, but sometimes I think of my future children."

Rey pursed her lips and glanced down at her stomach. It filled her with nerves to think about having a child in there. "I haven't really given much mind to all that. I've not even thought about whether I want boys or girls."

"We have no control over that sort of thing," Margaery hummed. "I'd like to name my children after my family. A daughter named Olenna for my grandmother, or a son named Osmund for one of my oldest ancestors. I think it's nice to keep their memories alive, don't you?"

Rey nodded, before she fell into deep throught. "I'd quite like my children's names to reflect where I came from. After flowers, perhaps."

"A sweet sentiment," Margaery agreed without hesitation. "Perhaps Lavender, or...Rose."

Rey forced a smile. "Perhaps."



i just really wanna finish backstory so i can move onto rey's main plot in later seasons, and eventually get to more intense rather than braids and kid names lol

thanks for reading, and also BOIIIII 8x01 was a good time and i'm hella nervous yet hella excite for episode 2 next week  xxxxxxx

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