chapter nine

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"His sigil is so ugly," Rey muttered in Renly's direction as they neared Stannis Baratheon and his men. Renly laughed, nodding in agreement.

"I suppose you are glad you chose the right brother?" he winked at her, and she smiled. "Stand by Ser Loras, little bee. You shouldn't get involved in this."

Rey nodded, knowing that it wasn't the right time for a cheeky protest. She pulled back on her horse's reins and moved to the left of Loras, hanging back a little. Catelyn Stark smiled back at her kindly, and Rey returned the gesture. She didn't know the noblewoman too well, and she was far too intimidated to say anything in passing like Renly was. But still, the amount of respect she held for the fierce Tully mother was high.

"Lady Stark, I'd not thought to find you in the Stormlands," Stannis began the meeting, addressing the redhead before his own brother.

"I had not though to be here, Lord Stannis," Lady Stark's voice was kinder than Stannis', yet she made herself heard.

"Can that truly be you?" Renly inquired, and Rey knew his lip would be twitching at the side.

"Who else might it be?" Stannis clearly didn't have the patience for his younger brother's quick wit.

"When I saw your standard I couldn't be sure," Renly said. "Whose banner is that?"

"My own."

"I suppose if we use the same one it will be awfully confusing," Renly grinned. Stannis glared. "Why is your stag on fire?"

"The king has taken for his sigil the fiery heart of the Lord of Light," a woman shrouded in red spoke for Stannis, drawing the attention to her. Rey looked over curiously, only to meet her sharp blue eyes for the briefest of seconds.

"Ah, this must be the fire priestess we've heard so much about," Renly hummed. "Brother, now I understand why you found religion in your old age."

Rey smiled.

"Watch yourself, Renly," Stannis snapped.

"No, no, I'm relieved." Renly smiled pleasantly. "I never really believed you were a fanatic. Charmless, rigid, a bore, yes, but not a Godly man."

"You should kneel before your brother," the priestess warned, tearing her eyes from Rey and staring at Renly. "He is the Lord's chosen. Born amidst salt and smoke."

"Born amidst salt and smoke?" Renly repeated doubtfully. "Is he a ham?"

Rey dipped her head, trying not to giggle. Loras, beside her, seemed to be doing the same.

"That's twice I've warned you," Stannis cut him off once more.

"Listen to yourselves," Lady Stark interjected. "If you were sons of mine, I would knock your heads together and lock you in a bedchamber until you remembered that you are brothers."

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