Chapter 1: Diamond in the Rough

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"Then, taking his hand, the Moorman said to him as they fared forth together, 'O son of my brother, this day will I show thee a sight thou never sawest in all thy life..."

-'Alaeddin', Arabian Nights

Fridays were always a violent bustle of bodies, rushing to get the day over with, so that they could start on the weekend. People were already tagging the school grounds and making out in every corner. With the scent of summer waning in the air, everyone was high, agitated, horny or all of the above.

But that's high school.

Rhiannon groaned at the sight of the ever-so-peppy cheerleading squad in front of her locker, magnetising jocks like moths to a very blonde flame. The last thing she needed was a backlash from the cheerleaders if she interrupted their flirting.

She was practically invisible as it was.

She cranked her iPod all the way up, and drowned out all the noise around her.Alternative rock filled her with a strange sense of security. It wrapped itself around her as Rhiannon squirmed through the crowd to her locker.

Rhiannon lost herself in the familiar lyrics, her hands aching to play the chords. She was almost to her locker when her feet fell from under her.

"Oops, sorry. Didn't see you there, loser." Allegra Hart, cheerleading captain to the Newford Scorpions hissed at Rhiannon in all her blonde haired, blue eyed glory.

Rhiannon really didn't understand what Allegra's problem was. They'd been friends since they were in diapers.Then she'd gotten into the team and she never looked back. Gone was the sweet yet bossy girl who'd always dreamed big and encouraged Rhiannon to be more, to fight for her dreams. Rhiannon shook her head. That was the past.

Allegra had left behind a superficial husk of what she once was. Now, all she could do was make snide comments and sarcastic remarks on people who were different. There was a reason why everyone called her the Wicked Bitch of Newford, after all.

Rhiannon's earphones fell out and she could hear a few kids snicker as she brushed herself off. She blushed but Rhiannon refused to look anyone in the eyes. Allegra and her cheerleading squad laughed in unison and she couldn't help feeling it was about her.

Rhiannon sighed. It was only the start of the day.

She tied her long, straight brown hair into a messy knot chucking all the stuff she didn't need into her locker. Rhiannon slammed the locker shut, with a loud metallic bang, drawing the attention of a few people around the hall.

Her dark eyes flashed with anger but it was mostly directed at herself.

Suddenly it went dark and she could feel cool hands cover her eyes.

Rhiannon smiled.

"Ree, don't you think that's a tad too harsh? I mean what did that poor locker ever do to you? By the way, guess who?"

"Deidre, you can let go of me now."

"All wrong, I'm Marilyn Monroe. I can't believe you don't remember me, Rhiannon Louisa Graceling." Deidre kept her hands over Rhiannon's eyes, amusement tickling her tone as she said Rhiannon's full name.

"Let go of me, Marilyn!" Deidre chuckled, as Rhiannon tried to struggle out of her grip.

"Stop Ree! Everyone'll think I'm kidnapping you or something."

"How's my locker in any way your concern? Let go of me, crazy child that I've never met before. " Rhiannon shouted in false protest. Deidre finally turned her around, hands on hips. Her face was a picture of absolute mortification.

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