Chapter 16: Ancient History

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“My father? What has he got to do with anything?” She asked.

She felt her heart open an old wound. She hadn’t known her father. Sure, she’d known who he was but she’d never met him. Rhiannon had only been a baby, when he had left her mother. He didn’t even bother to tell them he was leaving. Rhiannon still felt the remnants of the resentment she felt towards him. Felt it coiled deeply in her soul. If he hadn’t left, her mother may still have been alive today. Her mother had never gotten over it, and had eventually died of an overdose fourteen years ago.

“Your father was a human changeling, one of the favourites of the Fey Court. Until his dearest friend grew jealous and framed him for treason. He was sent into exile rather than executed, due to his powerful influence. He has always missed the Court. No one hadn’t known he’d fathered a child until I saw the picture of him with your mother over the fireplace. It finally clicked who you reminded me of.” He said. He said it like the world wasn’t falling apart. Like she hadn’t learnt something completely earth-shattering.

She pulled her hand away from his. His eyes begged her to listen.

“Does Devlin know about this? Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” She demanded.

“No, this was centuries after he was trapped. If I had told it would’ve put Stiofán in unneeded danger. The only one who needs to know about your father is you. And Icouldn’t let him know in case….” He trailed off, looking away. Kian had never looked more uncomfortable than that moment.

“In case I was killed?” Rhiannon finished.

“I wouldn’t let that happen.”

“But it could.”

“Don’t think like that. I plan on reuniting you with your grandmother and father if it’s the last thing I do.” Kian promised. His hands clenched into the sheets of her bed, his eyes burning with sincerity. Rhiannon was never surer of anything than his word at that moment.

“Tell me more about my… father.” She asked cautiously. She felt curious about this man who had disappeared from her life before she could know him. The one who had inspired so much love in her mother that without him, she didn’t want to live.

“Stiofán? He’s-He’s well the one who taught me how to fight. To kill. He taught me how to stay sane, to numb myself to the soul crushing quality of killing another of your kind.” He stated matter-of-factly. The way he talked about her father, made her shudder. Her father was a murderer. Someone who killed when he was told. She wasn’t sure she wanted to meet this man, to know her father.

“How can that be? Why would he –“

“He was kidnapped by the Slayer. We found him fourteen years ago, sniffed out by the best werewolves in the business. Stiofán had valuable information and skills that we needed. I think for the sake of protecting your mother, he kept quiet and did what he was told.” Rhiannon didn’t know what to think. All this time she’d hated him. She hadn’t known where he’d gone or why. And most importantly she hadn’t cared. But now, it felt like the world had flipped on its head.

“He did that for us, for me. All this time and I’ve never heard from him. He’s never once tried to contact me or my mother. How am I supposed to feel?” Rhiannon said angrily. She really wanted to get some air. The last few days had been intense and it all seemed to be Kian’s doing. He had started this. He had opened the flood-gates and now there was no going back.

“It’s simple. The Slayer would have used you to get to him. Stiofán remains his own agent as long as there’s nothing that can be used against him. He was my mentor not because he followed the Slayer but because he didn’t want to see us get slaughtered and for that I will always be grateful. I was only a lust demon, I couldn’t have survived without his teachings and his wisdom. I will always look after you because of him. He inspired me to be more than I am.” He looked down but the admiration in his voice was clear. The admiration she heard didn’t sit well but she understood it. She understood why he would’ve left.

Why he stayed away.

“He’s a great man, Rhiannon. He’s clever. All this time he'd been like a father to me. I’m glad I knew him or I wouldn’t be here today. I swore an oath to protect him and all his descendants should he have them. I didn’t know it would have been you, but it was. It's so strange how fate works.” He said. He pressed the palm of his hand against her cheek, the thumb playing against her cheekbone.

“Is that the only reason you care about me?” Rhiannon blurted out before she could stop herself. Rhiannon felt her heart clench waiting for his answer. She wasn’t completely sure why she cared but she had to know.

“No.” He answered simply, looking up at her again.

Rhiannon felt relief wash over her.

“Then why? You can’t just tell me you care about me and not explain why-”

He kissed her.

Her eyes widened in shock but she slowly relaxed under his hands as they moulded to her body. She felt his soft lips against hers and she melted into him. He pulled her against him as she wrapped her fingers into his hair, tugging at his dark locks. She’d never been kissed before. He took all control, kissing her deeply and working his lips against hers. Rhiannon couldn’t think all she could see, hear and taste was Kian. She moaned as he slid his tongue against her lower lip before biting it. She couldn’t get enough of him.

Kian pulled himself away, throwing himself half way across the room. Rhiannon could feel her lips swell from how intensely he kissed her. She felt cold without his heat.

“I’m so sorry.” He whispered and disappeared.

A/N: Oh shnap. How do you guys feel about all these revelations all coming at once? PLEASE TELL MEEEE. Haha. And don’t worry there’s twists aplenty to come. #RIAN fans EEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPP. Rhiannon’s first kiss is officially KIAN. How do you think about their steamy first kiss?

Don’t worry #Devon fans. I love you guys too.

Shout out to @Celtic-Frost and his awesome story “Black Rain Falls”.




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