Chapter 17: Peace talk?

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The next day, I'm still struggling to realize what happened the day before. I'm on a cloud and I've been smiling a little stupidly since I woke. I haven't seen Drogo again but we've planned to meet after classes. I have an exam tomorrow so I decide to spend the afternoon at the library with Sarah. Obviously, I'm completely off key.

"Seriously, Red! Concentrate."

"I am, I'm telling you! Is it my fault if this subject is so boring?"

"May I remind you that you chose this subject."

"Yes, well I thought it would be more fun!"

She wings her pen over her books and straightens up stretching.

"Well, go ahead, I'm listening." I scowl.

"I've nothing special to say."

"So what? Why are you constantly sighing, with that silly smile on your lips?" I feel caught out and at the same time feel the need to justify myself.

"I haven't the right to be in a good mood?"

"It's fine to be in a good mood! Is your vampiric Don Juan responsible?"

"Don't be like that!"

"You're a witch going out with a vampire, have you thought about it? I wonder what little vampire babies be like..." I chuckle at Sarah's pensive air.

"For now, the only vampire child I know is Lorie, and that isn't a success! And if she has witches powers..."

"She's not the only doubtful one in the Bartholy family." Ah, we haven't been down this path for a long time.

"You're exaggerating!"

"I'm telling the truth!"

"No, you're just spitting a venom! Up until now, I've let it go, but frankly, Sarah, I've had enough of your family squabbles!"

"It's all I've ever known!"

"Not me, I've only been in your world for a few weeks and I'm sick of getting caught up between you."

"You're not safe in their house." Pretending that living with vampires is as gate as growing up with care bears would really be pushing it!

"I know what they are, I know how to defend myself."

"They're cunning creatures!"

"And you're just paranoid, I'd like you to stop worrying so much, I assure you I'm okay!" Sarah takes my hand to calm me. She can see that I'm going to defend the Bartholy's tooth and nail. That's why she gets so upset. I know that Drogo and his brothers are different. They're really trying to integrate themselves into the world of humans.

"I know what you're thinking Red, but that's not how it works, you can't take the risk of trusting them completely!"

"I could try to understand your point of view of you'd explain what happened between your two families!"

"I can't!"

"So we've reached a dead end." There's a discomfort between us, which there wasn't there before.

"The best thing to do is to stop talking about it, it's too sensitive subject."

"I'm sad that we can't understand each other."

"You're sad but you refuse to explain anything to me."

"I'd like to, but I can't talk about it, it's a well-known secret, only the members of the two clans know about it... And also, I know that you can't be objective."

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