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The party continued their trek onwards, Thorin deciding to take the mountain path which would save them an extra few days. It was here that Luin found himself behind the group of dwarfs clinging to the side of a viciously steep stone cliff during a raging storm. The wind howled as the rain pelted them with crippling ice. It was so dark and the elements so disorientating that they could barely see more than a few feet in front of them. The company stubbornly clung on, moving along the narrow ledge with slow careful feet. Their tiny pathway a hundreds of feet above the ground, a sheer drop.

Luin has chosen to stay at the back of the group. The wind was grabbing at his robes, sending them billowing behind him, which would have caused anyone standing behind him to lose their grip and plummet below. It was times like this that he cursed his parent's traditional long robes for their billowing layers. But there was nothing he could do then. He stepped onward, his sure-footedness, despite his larger frame, keeping him steady on the slippery rocks.

"Everybody hold on!" Thorin tried to call but the wind swept away his words. The sudden command made Bilbo loose his concentration and he slipped suddenly downwards. Luin reached over the heads of a few dwarfs with a lightning quick strike and plucked him from his certain drop. He pushed the hobbit back into the wall until his feet met the path. Bilbo clung on and bravely continued forward, sudden death adverted.

Above them a boulder hit the cliff, sending chunks of stone raining down on the small group. Everyone pushed themselves against the cliff wall as the stone crashed around them, destroying parts of the path and making the already difficult path even more dangerous. Luin cursed violently as his feet slipped. A bolder knocking the stone next to him and disappearing into the gloom below. For a moment he was hanging by his hands, fingers gripping on to the wet cold rock surface. He hung there frighteningly for a second before his dangling feet found the rest of the path. He breathed out in relief before edging onwards.

"It's not a ordinary thunderstorm!" One of the dwarfs, Luin didn't know which spoke over the storm, shouted. "It's a thunder battle!"

Across from the group, as if it heard the shout, a huge stone giant rose from around the mountain. They all had to peer over their shoulders as the stone moved. It was massive, easily bigger than the cliff that the company were clinging to. It surged forward, fists raised to collide with a second stone giant which had emerged from behind them. They met with the sound of thunder rolling over hills. They could feel the tremor of it in the cliff under their hands.

"Giants! Great stone giants!" Luin guessed that it was Bofur who had cried out in shock.

The group quickly continued moving forward, dodging the debris of stone as the giants battled above. Luin kept his concentration fixed on his footing. The battle surrounding them was chaotic and messy, one wrong slip or a lucky piece of rock could kill anyone of the company. If it wasn't for the dangerous environment, he might of liked to watch the battle. Stone giants were thought to be legend. But it would be from a much safer position. The winds were so strong that if he were to fall, he wouldn't be able to fly and that made Luin dizzy.

The ground beneath him shuddered as a third stone giant rose from the cliff. Unfortunately, the path the company were standing on was part of it's leg and the group was now caught in the middle of a stone brawl. It moved again and Thorin with a few others were separated on the other leg whilst Luin was stuck with the twins and Bilbo. All they'd could do was hang on as they were carried away.

The leg with Thorin's group collided with the cliff and they took the opportunity to jump back on to a more stable rock. They waved at them, indicating that they should jump. Luin couldn't hear them. Kili and Fili were yelling and the wind still howled. Cracks of the fight reverberated through his ear drums. All Luin could do was steel himself as the leg moved, heading towards the cliff at speed. It crashed into the stone with a thunderous crack, the impact sending Luin and the others hurtling forward onto a ledge just beneath the stone giant's leg. They rolled in the puddles with loud groans and curses.

Luin pulled his aching body up, frantically checking the condition of the box on his back. The black wood wasn't too badly damaged. There were a few scuffs in the polish but a quick peek inside reassured Luin that his Gaqin was fine. He relaxed the tension from his shoulder, sudden panic soothed.

Thorin, Dwalin and the other came hurtling around the corner only to stop and breathe a sigh of relief upon seeing them alive. Luin pulled himself to his feet, wincing at the forming bruises, and began helping the other up. Fili gave him a wincing smile as Luin hoisted him to his feet. As the dwarves gathered, Luin began mentally counting heads.

"Where's Bilbo?" He asked once he realised the Hobbit was missing. Everyone started looking around for the smallest member, calling to be heard over the rain. Maybe he had fallen? Or had he rolled onto another ledge? It wasn't until Balin gave a shout did they find him. He was hanging on the edge of the cliff, feet kicking over empty space. Luin lunged forwards as his fingers gave out, his longer arms catching the hobbit around the wrist and stopping his fall. His fingers were slick with rain water and Bilbo's wide terrified eyes were staring up at him. Luin gritted his teeth and pulled. Next to him, the others reached over in a effort to help pull Bilbo up. It wasn't until Thorin climbed down to help, did they manage to haul Bilbo back to safety.

Dwalin sighed in relief once they were all on solid ground. "I was afraid we had lost our burglar". Bilbo, who seemed to be in a state of shock, barely responded. Luin dusted himself down as much as he could with his soaked clothes and checked that all of his possessions were still there.

"He's been lost since the day he set out", he heard Thorin mutter. "He has no place amongst us". 

Luin ignored the grumpy dwarf and swore loudly in frustration. Several of the others around him jumped and gave him concerned looks. "You alright Luin?" Ori asked. "Did you loose something?"

"One of my swords is gone. It must have fallen off during the fight", Luin replied. Sure enough, one of the jade decorated blades that hung on his hips was missing. "I'll call it back, just give me a second". The dwarfs watched as Luin held two fingers up in front of his lips, concentrating on his sword. Warmth pulsed in his chest as his energy called out to his blade. The dwarves all peered through the darkness with fascination and confusion. Down below, something gleamed and the jade blade shot up through the air as the dwarfs gasped. Luin caught it in one hand and tied it back around his waist.

"There", he smiled before turning to Thorin. "We should find shelter".

"How did he do that?" Someone muttered.

"He's a wizard. You don't ask a wizard how they do magic".

Thorin shot Luin a glare, not appreciating being told what to do, but glanced at his group. Everyone was cold and wet, the storm was showing no signs of stopping and everyone was exhausted. Luin was right, they needed shelter to recoup. "Come on!" He commanded. "Onwards!" And with weary groans, the company trudged on.

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