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Luin's hunch that the survivors of Laketown would turn to Dale, was correct. As he circled over the ruins, several fingers pointed up at him as he flew by. He spotted Bard and the majority of people assembled in the square at the centre of the ruined city. The man looked up as Luin glided downwards.

"Wizard", he greeted as Luin hopped off the sword. He walked over and clapped Luin on the shoulder with a smile. "Luin the blue, you have returned". He seemed relieved and happy. Nothing really made friends as saving each other's lives.

"Bard", Luin smiled back. "I have returned to see if I can offer any help".

"What about your dwarf friends?" Bard asked with a frown.

"No. My quest with them is over", Luin assured. "I just want to help in anyway I can".

Bard laughed. "You have given us a great deal of help already. You and you're elf friends saved my daughters. You saved both me and my son and you helped us kill the dragon. You owe us nothing my friend".

Luin opened his mouth to say more, possibly thank Bard for his welcoming attitude. He was, after all, apart of the quest that unleashed Smaug on Laketown. He wouldn't have been surprised if they turned him away.

"Who are you and what do you want with our lord Bard?" A short greasy man with limp hair and black clothes yelled. He came stalking over arrogantly, jerking his face rudely close. Luin looked down his nose at the rude man, trying not to back away from his stinking breath.

"Alfred!" Bard stated sharply. He sighed as Alfred refused to back away. "This is Luin the blue. Step away and show him respect!"

"Just because some weird slit eyed blue fellow flys down and says he's a wizard does not mean that he deserves our respect", Alfred hissed. Luin rolled his eyes and waved his hand. A sharp spark of blue Qi hit the man in the middle of his forehead. "Just go back to where you- mmmff". Alfreds words were abruptly cut off as his lips sealed together. He struggled, muffled noises coming from his mouth as he clawed at his lips.

"What did you do?" Bard asked amusedly. "I've been wishing he'd shut his mouth all day".

"Just a silencing spell", Luin commented off handedly. "It shall leave him unharmed and verbal again in about half an hour. If he doesn't force it of course". Alfred made a muffled shrieking noise and stormed off. Luin and Bard laughed loudly.

"It's you!" A woman's voice made them turn. A blonde woman in her twenties was pointing at Luin. She stumbled over and grasped his hands. "You saved my baby". Luin paused as she gripped his hands tightly. Her face was streaked in soot and dirt but he recognised her as the woman from the raft. He relaxed and smiled sheepishly at her thankful expression.

"Thank you. You're a hero. You saved my Isak". The woman let go and turned and picked up the toddler that Luin had saved last night. Little Isak had been hiding behind his mother's skirt. Now that Luin's sight was not obscured by smoke and flames, he could see that Isak had a head of adorable blonde curls. The baby hid his head shyly in his mother's shoulder.

"Hello Isak", Luin said softly. Isak peeked at him for a moment before hiding. Isak's mother laughed. Luin looked up. Bard had moved away and was talking to another group of men. He was gesturing at the ruins, probably instructing them to build shelters. "Any there any injuries?" Luin asked. "I'm a healer and can help".

The woman nodded and led him through the ruins to a large stone building that once must have been a town hall. It was now dusty and partly caved in in areas. It was one of the few buildings with a mostly intact roof. The windows were smashed and the floor was covered in leaves but the heavy stone walls still stood strong and large partially destroyed doors covered the entrance. Isak's mother led him in inside where dozens of people were crowded around. Children huddled in corners. Families were in close groups for warmth. The injured were lying on blankets on the floor, people around them trying to heal them the best they could with the meagre supplies they had saved.

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