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"Kili!" Tauriel's voice echoed through the the stone corridors. Luin stepped over a dead orc, presumably one he had killed earlier, and looked around. The hall split off into two directions. With all the sounds of fighting, Tauriel's and Kili's voices bounced around in disembodied echoes. It was impossible for Luin and Legolas to tell from where they came from.

Luin glanced back at the elf. Legolas stepped up next to him, fingers gripping his bow tightly. "I'll go right", he suggested. "You take the left". He paused and looked Luin up and down. Some golden colour had returned to his skin and the hollowness of his eyes was slightly removed. The black orbs had regained their glint but Legolas was still worried. Luin was still drained and exhausted. It was obvious in the fragile way he held himself. Luin caught his gazed and smiled reassuringly. He sheathed his sword and placed his right hand on Legolas' cheek. "I'll be okay", he muttered. He reached up and pressed his lips gently to his. It lasted for half a second before Luin was pulling away. The peck a chafes reassurance. "Go. Don't die".

"I shall say that same to you", Legolas returned, lips pulling up into a soft smile. He watched as Luin began walking down the left corridor, swords held at his sides, until he turned a corner and was out of sight. It was only then that Legolas pulled out a arrow and raised his bow. He began down the right corridor.

There weren't many opponents down the left corridor. Luin dispatched them with graceful swiftness before moving onwards. The stone petered slowly out into a ruined mess of what must have once been rooms. The walls were partially destroyed, exposing the stone foundations like ribs on the side of the mountain. The floor dropping off into the mist beyond. The wind howled and a few stray snowflakes landed on Luin's hair as he left the shelter of the corridor.

"Tauriel!" The shout was close. A clash of steel rang out and a groan of pain. Luin darted up, feet jumping nimbly over the stone as he followed the noise. He rounded around a destroyed column just in time to watch as a massive orc, recognisable as one of Azog's soldiers, threw Tauriel off his back like a rag doll. The she elf tumbled and rolled, stopping barely a foot away from the cliff edge. The orc hefted his massive mace, the spear end pointed down towards where he was holding Kili in a tight grip.

"No!" Luin reacted. He bounded forwards, leaping up to slash with one of his swords. It sliced through the thick skin of the orc's arm where the armour did not cover. The orc howled and dropped his mace in surprise. He turned, putrid eyes blazing to face Luin. Kili, who was still in the monster's grip, groaned. He was blood covered and visibly injured.

"Luin!" He gasped. "Get Tauriel. Run!" His next words were choked off as the orc hefted the dwarf up with both hands. He threw Kili bodily, the dwarf sailing over Tauriel to disappear over the side of the cliff. He didn't even get time to scream.

"No!" Tauriel's voice broke as she watched Kili fall. Luin reacted quickly and threw one of his swords down after him. The blade glinted as it soared in a wide arch over them and out of sight into the mist. Everything went silent for a second. Tauriel was sobbing brokenly now, body still curled defensively near the edge. Luin gripped his remaining sword tightly, facing down the orc with a determined expression.

The orc laughed. "Here lies the end of Thorin Oakenshield. You shall taste my steel little wizard".

"No", Luin replied. He twirled his sword in his hand in preparation. "You shall taste mine".

A war cry sounded as Tauriel charged. She had gotten up and was tackling the massive orc with all her body strength. Luin blinked in surprise but followed her example. Both of them collided with the orc heavily. The monster stumbled but caught Tauriel with one hand . He twisted and managed to throw her. Luin heard her grunt as she collided with a stone wall.

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