Chapter 8 - Caring for boys

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As our schedule got busier and more hectic, we all had to take care of ourselves. If one of us had a bad day, I tried to be there for them but sometimes there was no way of helping as we all had different schedules so that's why we all met up at dorms at different times. I made sure we all still spent some of the precious time together, even if I had to spend it individually with one of the boys.

My schedule wasn't as packed as for example Namjoon's or Hobi's so I could afford to slip out and come visit them.

Today I had a day off after yesterday's recording song. I spent most of the day in mine and Yoongi's room sleeping because of the exhaustion. But when I got up at 3 pm, I decided to give a visit to boys who were busy working.

First, I grabbed Yoongi's favourite shrimp meat along with some energy drink that he liked as I headed to his studio. I knocked on the door because he was the only one who had his own lock there so I had to knock or ring on the doorbell to get the door opened.

When the door opened, I saw sleep-deprived Yoongi standing there, "Hey, Kyungie." he said with a deep voice. I smiled at him as I lifted the box with food that I was holding for him, "Hi, it's been a while. Do you mind if I stay here with you for a bit?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't care, you might help me out a bit with rapping." he said as he opened the door to let me in.

"You know.. Everyone's been busy lately and I miss you all so I thought that on my day off I'll give you all a visit." I said as I sat down on the couch. "You really go around to visit us all on your day off? I wouldn't do that if I had a day off." he snickered. "Someone has to make sure you all are doing okay. For example, when was the last time you ate? Or slept?" I kept nagging him which made him sigh, "Thanks for the food." he said as he grabbed the box and started prepare the food on his table. I came toward his working desk to see the lyrics he was working on. He noticed my curiosity as he looked up from his plate. "You wanna hear the lyrics that I've come up with so far?" I felt my own face light up, "Ye!" I said excitingly.

He showed me his 'WINGS' rapping part that he's been working on for a while now. He rapped along since he still haven't recorded himself. His rap sounded magnificent, his text never failed to captivate me as I felt myself being impressed. As soon as he ended, I was clapping, "So impressive!" I kept clapping even after 1 minute of end of the song which made him slightly smile.

He then kept working while I was sitting on the couch, staring at the ceiling. It was quiet but it was comforting to know that the other was here. "Tomorrow I'm going to have underwear photoshoot for LadyMe.." I said to the silence which made Yoongi stop working, "Enjoy.." he said, unbothered, "Thanks. The thing is; how do you pose in underwear? Do you have to be erotic or what?" I said which made Yoongi snicker in his seat, "I never did that and will never do. Share the experience once you're done." he kept smiling, "Ahh, what is that smirk for? Is Yoongi maybe thinking about something he shouldn't?" I rose up to my feet as I hugged him from behind which made him annoyed, "Get off." he said but to annoy him even more, I planted a kiss on his cheek which made him sigh, "I guess it's time for you to go." he said a bit harshly but that was because he was annoyed thanks to me which I didn't take seriously.

I couldn't help but smile, "Yes, I'm leaving.. You finish your food, okay?" I smiled as I grabbed my things and opened the door, I felt my phone vibrate which made me stop in my tracks as I looked down to see a message from director of Hwarang: "Hello, Kaia. Would you like to stop by at our shooting at this location? Taehyung looks unfocused and maybe you could help. You're the only one who has a day off as I heard from your boss. Thank you." Yoongi noticed as I stopped in my tracks, "What's wrong?" he asked. I looked at him, "Tae's director told me to meet Tae because he seems unfocused.. Well, I'll be heading there now." I smiled at him. He only nodded his head which made me snicker as I hugged him tightly, "Don't work too hard and finish your food that is getting cold." I said as I separated, "Yeah, just go already." he said as I walked out the door, "See you." I said as he closed the door. I chuckled at his cute behaviour, I knew that deep down he was caring, he just didn't say it, he proved it through his actions.

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