Chapter 22 - Nosebleed

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As idols, it's nothing new when accident happens, and we were no different.

We were performing Save Me + I'm Fine at our Comeback stage. Though, the previous day we were practicing for the whole night which made boys go to sleep before me since I kept messing up, so I stayed up whole night and now it was reflecting on me.

Boys knew about me not sleeping before which made them worried, but I tried my best to assure them that I was alright, or so I thought.

I was dressed up in something simple that would go well with boys;

We all were waiting backstage, boosting our confidence with our usual speech, "Alright, it's been a while since we have been in the TV, but for the sake of our ARMY who got us this far, we can't show any slacking, let's prove them that we're worki...

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We all were waiting backstage, boosting our confidence with our usual speech, "Alright, it's been a while since we have been in the TV, but for the sake of our ARMY who got us this far, we can't show any slacking, let's prove them that we're working hard!" said Joon as a leader as we all cheered, "3..2...1... Fighting!" we all shouted as we heard our name being called: "BTS!" yelled the MC as we got on the stage.

But once we stepped on the stage and on our marks, my vision blurred slightly which made me worried, I really didn't want anything to happen on such an important day. I knew my lack of sleep was starting to kick into my system.

Once the Save Me started, the first one to start was Jimin, then Jungkook, Jin and then Tae. Once Jin started to sing again, we all joined and started to dance as in choreography. Being the girl - the different person of the group, I had a tough luck of mostly being in front where everyone could see me.

It all was going smoothly until the instrumental part came on and we were dancing fiercefully. That's when I felt something running down my nose, and all I could guess was blood because my head was throbbing and my nose was also burning. Being the professional, I had to cast that aside without even brushing my nose. I couldn't do that until I knew I wasn't seen properly. When it came to my rap, I tried my best to act it cool even though I knew I was visible with my nosebleed.

So when the Save Me song ended and we all lied down, I was lying in the back and that was when I could brush my nose slightly. I did so, but as soon as we got up, I felt the pressure in my nose which made my nose even more triggered as more blood came threatening out. Unfortunately, there was nothing to do, and by now, I noticed Namjoon looking at me. He noticed it which I knew got him worried.

When Jimin's part came on, he turned at me because it was like that in choreography, though once he saw me, he looked really shocked but kept on singing. The blood in my nose was now dripping down my chin and also getting into my mouth now which was really disgusting. I didn't even want to think of how horrible I must have looked.

Later, there came Namjoon's rapping part and right after mine followed which meant that I had to stand in the spotlight next to Namjoon.

In the middle of the rap, Namjoon stepped towards me and wiped my face with his hand through jean jacket because he knew I couldn't as I was dancing. Of course, it wasn't enough to stop the flood, but it surely didn't look so messed up as it did before.

Once it came on my part, I noticed ARMYs gasp in horror, I felt incredibly horrible but I kept it cool.

When my rapping was over, I knew I didn't have to sing anymore and I was relieved because by now, by all the movement on the stage, I could notice blood traces from my nose, and boys seemed to notice that because it was really messy.

Then there was that part when Kook was singing 'Gwaenchanha' while putting his hand on my shoulder. His touch showed his worry through the contact and I felt bad.

Once we were at the end, Hobi stood on my place at the ending scene, signing me to step to the back where I wasn't visible, so I gratefully accepted, and once we ended in the finishing pose, everyone started to clap.

Then the lights died down which meant we could leave the stage, but once the lights turned down, boys hurried towards me, "Are you okay?" asked Tae, "Do you feel alright?" said Jin worriedly, Yoongi put his arm around my waist protectively as he kept peering into my face.

I felt guilty throughout the whole performance, so now it all came crashing down on me, "I messed up so bad.." I casted my gaze down, "You did amazing, don't worry." reassured me Namjoon.

"It was supposed to be memorable stage, but not memorable like this.." I felt regret piercing through my heart, "It's not your fault, you can't control your bleeding." said Hobi.

Jimin then started to push us all away, "We gotta go." he said as we all entered backstage.

The first thing that happened was that our staff started to run around me with tissues along with paramedics. They were treating my nosebleed while I kept guiltily staring to the ceiling as I was laying on our sofa while boys were sitting around me with paramedic.

"It must have looked so scary.." I said as I reminded myself of the Jimin's shocked face.

"It was scary, but in a worrying way. If you still feel bad, then I can assure you that you acted like a professional." said Yoongi in a reassuring voice, "Hyung is right, Noona." agreed Kook as Jimin nodded.

"People got to see the strong side of you." smiled Namjoon as he stroked my hand. Their words were so reassuring it made me feel a lot better, though I knew the guilt would remain, "You stayed up late yesterday, right?" asked Jin as I nodded, "Your nosebleed is a proof of your hardwork." Hobi smiled at me with his angelic smile that made my heart melt, "I can't help but feel guilty.." I sighed with a smile on my face, "I know what you mean.. I have it the same.. Everytime my voice cracks, ARMYs reassure me that it happens and it's okay, but I still feel guilty because I feel like I let them down if I make a mistake while they give us so much support." said Chim with a sad smile.

"Before you get started on that 'I'm the only girl of the group' , just know that other idols might see your professional act as inspiring." said Yoongi with a flat tone, yet I knew he was being caring about my well-being. "Noona, I think you were amazing to pull through with a heavy nosebleed like you had, though I can't lie saying that it wasn't scary. You really scared us.." said Kook.

"You should have seen Tae's face when he saw you." Jin laughed as he mimicked previous Tae's reaction which made Tae smile bashfully, "I was really shocked.." he said;

"Alright, we all were, but luckily, Kyungie is alright and it wasn't anything fatal

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"Alright, we all were, but luckily, Kyungie is alright and it wasn't anything fatal." said Namjoon while calming down the maknae line.

Fortunately, in the end I felt a lot better thanks to boys endless reassures that were really soothing.

After that incident, a lot of fellow idols like GOT7, iKON, MAMAMOO!, BLACKPINK, TWICE, EXO etc., tweeted and made a new hashtag on Twitter; #WeAreProudOfYouKaia which showed a big support from all other fandoms as well.

I must have been the luckiest girl to receive so much love. I was sure that next time when we would perform, I would definitely show them my hard work.

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