Chapter 29 - Stalker

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Me and Yoongi were left alone at dorms together because we got 2 days off. Everyone headed to their families to enjoy their quality time because they could, while there was me with Yoongi. I didn't have parents or anyone to visit, and Yoongi's family didn't want him home, saying he should focus on his work and visit next time, so he agreed to that.

Having a golden opportunity of my day-off, I decided to hit up my close friends who were only idols, and along with my girls we decided to go to a private party together.

I was doing my make-up in the bathroom while Yoongi was working on composing his recent song in his studio. Hwasa, my bestie, sended me the venue's address, now the only thing that remained was telling Yoongi who was already a little aware that I was heading out because I signed him something in the morning.

Before heading to the venue, I decided to stop by his studio where he was currently working. I rang on the doorbell while already being dressed up for the upcoming party. I could hear him stop the track of the song as he stood up from his seat and opened the door.

Once the door opened and revealed sleep-deprived Yoongi, I felt myself smile, "Hi, Yoongs~" I said as he faintly smiled and got back to his seat. I closed the door behind me as I let myself in automatically. I put Yoongi's favourite shrimp food next to him - it was still warm. He looked at the food out of reflex as he then looked up to meet my gaze and then back out of confusion:

"What's with that face, Min Yoongi?" I chuckled as I lightly punched his shoulder, "I am surprised you thought about bringing food all the way here just for me

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"What's with that face, Min Yoongi?" I chuckled as I lightly punched his shoulder, "I am surprised you thought about bringing food all the way here just for me." he said which made me snicker, "I know you so well, you are so into achieving the best result which then leads to you neglecting your health."

He chuckled, "Thank you for the meal." he said with a smile as he opened the food, "I am going to the party now, okay?" I said as I stroked the back of his head. He hummed in acknowledgement, "Where is it by the way?" he asked as he turned his towards me for a split of second and then back, "Oh, it's nearby. Next to the 'Come&Fit' bar." I said as he nodded his head, "Alright, have fun." he said.

I hugged him from behind, "I will~ You'd better eat it all before I come. Also have your phone turned on in case I'm wasted and need you to come for me~" I said with a cheeky smile as I pecked his cheek and then hurried towards the door which made him chuckle at my childish-side, "Yeah, yeah.. Just go already." he said with a smile, "See you, Yoongs!" I said cheerfully as I closed the door behind me and then started to head toward the venue that was nearby, however, on my way there, as I was dressed in disguise to not bring any attention, I felt uncomfortable walking the streets during the night-time by myself. I had this lingering feeling that made me feel as if someone was behind me.

As I looked behind myself, I spotted a man dressed in black who was walking a few feets behind me. It did look really creepy and being the only girl left on her own made me think of the worst scenarios. I fastened my pace as I now hurried to the venue where I spotted the venue and ran straight in.

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