Chapter 13 - Disrespect

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It's not new for me to get hate as the only girl of the group. With time, everyone can get over something. I got over the hatred people held towards me.

I'm not saying I wasn't caring about harsh comments coming my way, but now, I learned how to handle it properly which made me move on.

Boys were constantly worried about me which made me feel guilty. I didn't want to be the centre of the attention all the time.


We were all sitting currently in a practice room, taking a break from the hard choreography we were practicing only us as members.

The door opened, and the one going inside was BangPD and some stranger next to him. We all stood up and bowed.

"This person right here... Is going to be your new choreographer. It's his first day, so be nice to him and if anything happens, you know where to find me." he said as he exited due to his busy schedule.

It was a bit awkward as soon as he stepped in. The first thing he did, was scanning us from head to toe. His gaze stopped on my figure which didn't surprise me. I was the only one looking different.

"You must be the famous Kyung Lee." he smiled, though I didn't know if it was honest smile or the forced one.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled with a bow.

Boys were also saying their hello, but there was something about his gaze that made me shiver.

"Well.. I have prepared choreo for your Blood, Sweat and Tears dance. I know you're in progress, but I'm in charge to continue it." he said with a smile as everyone hummed in agreement.

As soon as we made eye-contact, he smirked at me in the pervy way which made me look away, straight at Jimin who was next to me.

As soon as he noticed my stare, he turned his head towards me, "What's wrong, Kyungie?" he said with a smile, though once he noticed my distress, he became concerned.

I closed the distance between us as I whispered to his ear, "Chim, he's eyeing me.. but not in a good way.." I said quietly which made him look at me, alerted as he automatically turned his head towards the choreographer.

"What's wrong?" asked Tae as he leaned in to get to know what we were talking about. Jimin whispered him the situation which also alerted him, "Jinjja?" he looked shocked as he also eyed the newbie that was now looking our way. They made it obvious that we were talking about him.

"Alright. Let's start! Kyung, come next to me! We'll find you a good spot in this dance, so come watch with me." the choreographer proposed which made me shiver.

Jimin seemed to notice it as the oberving type he was, "I'm sorry, but she already knows her position." he said which made the guy hum in agreement, "Okay, show me your whole dance so far and I'll decide what to do with you." he smiled.

We all positioned ourselves with Jimin in the middle and Yoongi next to me. He noticed my behaviour changed since this newbie arrived which made him curious, "What's wrong?" he asked, "It's the choreographer.. he keeps looking at me.. in a weird way." I whispered, loudly enough for the circle to hear which alerted everyone as they looked at me with utter shock, "He what?" said Jin at the loss of his words, but now, the song started and we were all forced to start dancing.

He stopped the music in the middle of our dance, "Let's stop it here." he said as he turned his head towards us, "Kyungie, you're a bit off." he said as he started to approach me. I tried my best to keep my pokerface on.

"She did it exactly as she was taught." said Hobi with a smile, trying to not make it too obvious, "Then that part is too off.. Let's change the movement." he said as he stood now in front of me, being a lot taller than me which made me feel small.

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