Chapter 20 - Bon Voyage (Hawaii) pt.3

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I was awoken by Namjoon's shouting that told us to wake up and get ready to head outside. The first movement I have committed caused me groan painfully after feeling the sore muscles. This was honestly pretty rough night for me.

"Good morning." said Hobi.

As I slowly got up, I felt the horrendous pain of the solid ground I was sleeping on, "Oww.. Aishh.." I groaned painfully while twisting my face in pain, "Oh, Kyungie, good morning." said Jin as he kept passing by to the bathroom, "Morning.." I said with a raspy voice.

"Noona, I guess your night was fantastic." teased Kook so early in this morning which made me already annoyed, yet it made me smile, "Perfect." I responded as I now stood up and also headed to bathroom.

I knocked on the bathroom door to receive 'Come in' from Chim who was already there along with Jin.

"Good morning." I said, "Morning, Kyungie." said Chim with a smile, "How was the night?" asked Jin curiously, knowing I wasn't as excited now, "Well.. As expected, I've got a backpain as a welcoming gift." I smiled which made Chim look at me apologetically, "You said you would come if you weren't comfortable.." he said with a puppy eyes, "I know. I'm sorry but I couldn't bring myself to go and wake you up, knowing you would have a hard time sleeping with me there." I explained as I grabbed my toothbrush, "Take it positively, you don't sweat in your sleep while I am producting so much oil on my face." chuckled Jin as I felt myself smile;

" chuckled Jin as I felt myself smile;

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(I learned how to make gifs, yay~)

After I brushed my teeth, I dressed up while shooing the boys away while locking myself in the bathroom. Not long after I was done, there was a knock on the door.

I unlocked it while applying mascara slightly, not trying to overdo it. The one to step inside was the grumpy Min Yoongi who looked so sleepy.

"Morning, Yoongs." I said, but he only hummed, "So.. Are you not going to ask me how was my sleep?" I slightly nudged his shoulder, "How was your sleep?" he repeated while not caring, "Yoongs.. Please at least look at me?" this time I approached him as I back-hugged him while looking at his handsome right side of his face. He looked at me through the mirror and then back to where he was looking, "Do you want me to massage your back?" he asked which left me speechless at his observing skill, "Wow.. How did you even know, I'm sure I wasn't mentioning anything about it to you." I was looking at him in disbelief, "It wasn't hard to guess it since your movements are more tenser and stiffer than usually." he explained which made me gasp, "Wooooow, they don't call you genius for nothing.~" I praised him.

He turned to look slightly down on me, "Do you want one?" he asked with an annoyed voice even though I knew he was caring so much, "I'll have Jimin do it for me." I said as I smiled at him while taking my things and heading out, though, before I left, I grabbed his head and smooched his left cheek playfully which made him frown in disgust even though I knew he didn't mind on the inside.

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