Chapter 15 - VLive

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(Time skip to when her scar from the sasaeng assault left a scar and now she can practice again)

We have just arrived from our practice. It was 10 pm and since our schedule has been really hectic nowadays, everyone was tired. Even though it was night, I still had some energy left but as everyone, except for Namjoon, retreated to their room while heading to sleep, I went to Namjoon's studio where he was still composing songs for his new upcoming song to his Mono album.

I was sitting on the comfiest seat of the dorm in the background, which was in his studio, trying not to disturb him, just being there so he and I have a company since he also didn't feel as tired.

I was browsing down my phone, watching our Twitter being wild over Yoongi's newest update of his project he has been working on. Everyone was going crazy over his project that he leaked a bit.

"Kyungie.." said Namjoon which made me look up from my phone, "Ye?" I asked, "I think I'm going to do a VLive, so if you want to be a part of it, you can join." he said as he turned at me.

That's right, it's been a while since any of the members did a VLive. I never dared to do it alone since of the wave of haters that was against me, so the only opportunity to see me in VLive was with one of the members. Boys always invited me to their VLives because they noticed this fact about me, but sometimes, I felt bad for getting in the way because it was their time to shine.

"I'll only sit in the background.. Hopefully I won't get hate for sitting here." I said which made Namjoon smile, "Feel free to join whenever you want, you can always change your mind." he said suggestively which made me think twice.

".......... I will then, if I can." I felt my face lighten up which made him smile, "Ye, just come here." he said as he pulled chair towards him that was meant for me to sit.

I gladly tiptoed towards my seat as I sat down, "Wait.. What will this VLive be about?" I asked as he kept setting his camera, "Just talking about my upcoming project as well. You can boost my project by praising it." he said as he bursted into chuckle at his proposal, "Okay~" I said as I was getting ready, fixing my hear and all in the camera reflection.

"Okay, let's start now." he said as he also started to get ready. The application started countdown onto when we would go live, so we just waited and once we saw our reflections, we smiled.

"Oh.. Do I look okay?" I looked at Namjoon for his opinion which made him look at me, "Ye, you look perfect." he said with a smile, "How about me?" he added.

I scanned his face in details which made him act out of his own insecurity, "I don't look okay?" he kept avoiding my eyes now as I kept looking at him.

I have always known about his insecurity that he had in himself. He never saw himself as handsome because of the visuals of our group who is Jin and just maknae line in general, he has lost the self-confidence of his own charm. I felt really bad, I always wanted to let him know that he was handsome in his own way. So what he isn't the visual? He looks stunning and he's breathtaking either way.

"You took my breath away. I'm falling in love, Kim Namjoon!" I said while raising my voice which made him turn into a shy Joonie that he always was when someone complimented him, "Aishh.. In front of everyone, really Kyungie?" he kept giggling to himself. I then looked into the app to see how many people were watching.

"One million already?!" I gasped at the view which made Joon also look closely, "Wow, how come you all aren't sleeping yet?" he smiled while there were flooding comments.

Once Joon started to talk about his project, I was reading comments meanwhile.

Most of them were still screaming about my previous line 'falling in love'. I smiled at seeing that while also listening to Namjoon's project.

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