~Burn It All Down~

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2 Months Later

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2 Months Later

"...So you guys got any idea how fucked y'all are?" Michael Hanabee asks my group while we were in the middle of working on the Kickoff Season essentials.

"Do you know how fucked you are gonna be if you keep talking to us!" I yell back frustrated. The last couple of months have been hard. Granted as were the Dean's new torture subjects the other teachers have left us alone. So really we can get away with anything right now but it doesn't even matter because all of my's group attention has been on getting the Kickoff Season set up properly so won't get killed.

"Yeah well, I didn't give us this bad weather! Don't take it out on me!" Michael yelled and turned swiftly back to his bleacher desk. Yeah that's right he better go back to his group! Knowing that I won't get any repercussions now if I beat this shit out of somebody a lot of people avoided talking to me or even my group. Me being here for just two months I kind of gotten the rep as a hot head. What the FUCK ever!

Liam, my friend who was being annoyingly chipper today was tapping his pencil away on his bleacher desk, with a big smile on his face while he listened to our group's ideas on how to salvage the big event.

"Sometimes the Tycoon news be wrong especially with the seer's forecast anyway! The future is always changing!" Jasmine cries out frantically but then Nile shut her down fast.

"Hon-ney, the seer's future of the weather have never been wrong in the 19 years of me living and watching that weather news channel."

Jasmine just groans and put her head down on the bleacher desk. Julie absently pushed her hand through Jasmine's dark hair, ruffling it with her fingers to calm her down. "Thanks Jules." Julie nodded at the offhand thanks and continued what she was doing.

"Off topic, but does seers also have a forever person?" Directing my question towards Liam by touching his hand that was absently tapping his pencil away making him stop.

His big blue eyes were wide as I asked him making him look caught off. I smiled at his minute confusion and then saw when his eyes seemed to be cleared with clarity. "No, seers are nothing like oracles. They see infinite futures surrounding many people that they've came in contact with. I on the other hand only see one future with one person. But even then a future is not set in stone."

"Good to know big guy."

His eyes seemed to deepen and an emotion behind his eyes seemed to arise I couldn't decipher but nevertheless I smiled at him and took his pen out of his hand and began to chew on it's tip.

"Hey! I wasn't done with that!"

"Well, you can have it back when I'm done with it."


Fourth period rolled around and that's when I finally came up with a solution with our problem. Lunch was coming up and I couldn't wait to tell the group. Even now sitting here anxiously waiting for the bell to ring I wanted to tell them. As soon as it did I pulled Liam from his seat next to me and the others followed. As soon as we got to our usually table at Lunch and sat down I told him and the group.

"Ok, this is how were going to save that ungrateful day. Number one, we're going to get each and every single member that's an investor for the Dean a private jet so they don't have to be in the twenty-inch snow. Then we'll have a cover walk through leading up to the school so they wouldn't be in the cold even if they are outside. I think we can do this guys! I mean we got four months left! What could go wrong?!"


"So I've heard that you have a solution to our problem that's going to happen in the future?" The Dean asks inquisitively and I nodded. My group and me were back in the Dean's office already to tell him our savory plan!

"Yes sir. I just told my group back at lunch what I plan to do."

"Alright, get on with it."


"I see. That's actually very swell, Adam. You've out did yourself on this one. Our funds can even cover this as well. I like where your head is at boy! I'm very impressed with you and your team. Keep this up and I might not even have to kill you. It would be a shame though if I had to kill my nephew though."

"I'm sorry, nephew?" I questioned hoping I didn't hear him right. I don't know why my hand automatically turned into a fist but it did. I know he's lying...I mean I was in foster care for crying out loud because they said I didn't have any other family when my father abandon me and left me there on the side of rode. So any Tom, Dick, and Harry can come get me! So it was LIES. A manipulative tactic. Well it was till he said my mother's name Elizabeth Jones Rodriguez.

"Granted, Elizabeth Jones Rodriguez was Elizabeth Jones Reid first you are still my nephew before she ran away with that abomination. But I can see you, my nephew aren't like the rest of these scumbag alters which is good. That means it won't be hard to break you and stop you from fundamentally to rely on your powers. Now run along you still got other planning for the Kickoff Season I want this to go off without a hitch."

It was eerily quiet as we left the Dean's office and I just left the group behind and found the first door I saw and hid behind it.

I tugged at my hair angrily and turned around to glare at the door. I was suddenly glad I had left when I did; if I had stuck around after that monster said that I probably would've attacked him. And considering all the fire power I was loaded up with I could've killed him! I should kill him! But then I wouldn't make it two feet outside this place without the security all over me, and plus I couldn't leave Liam...or the others.

I gritted my teeth. Then I fisted my hands and looked around for something I could break and relieve the stress. I found a vase on the table by the door and picked it up and smashed it on the ground. The tiny black shards represented how I felt inside. Broken. My group rushed inside the room where I went to blow off steam and caught my latest reaction to the news.

"You want to talk about what just happened? Because this can't be healthy bottling it all in. You've been dealing with a lot." Jasmine says and the group nodded in agreement the only one staying out of it was Liam.

"Everyone! Just leave now! I don't have time for this!" I screamed out at my group frustratingly. I'm not going to talk about this with them!

"But, we just wanna check if you are ok Adam. This kind of news must be upsetting?"

"Just go!" I say and point to the door. The only one left was him. Liam.

"I see you, Adam. You don't have to put walls up around me, anyone else but not me." He said. He wined his arms around my rigid posture but in a instant I deflated. I could always count on him to calm me, to soothe me. Then he leaned close to whisper against my ear, his breath sending shivers up my spine. "You can always let go in front of me, mate. We're friends now," he whispered.

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