~I Take It All Back~

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"You didn't eat much last night when we came back from training? Is everything ok?" Stupid Liam asks me

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"You didn't eat much last night when we came back from training? Is everything ok?" Stupid Liam asks me. He is the reason I'm in turmoil over here and just seems all hunkydory. I just couldn't stop thinking about the kiss Manny gave Liam and my reaction to it. It was kind of scary. I mean I couldn't...I'm not...

"Hello? Earth to Adam? Is everything ok? This doesn't have anything to do with Manny kissing me last night does it?" Liam said softly and his eyes were conveying a certain softness to them as well to make seem like he was scathing on some hard territory.

Damn it! It feels like he's reading my damn mind! Wait can he?! I looked over to Liam down at the other island in our kitchen where he had a bowl of certand me I just came out and sat at the other end to think. Probably why he asked what's up with me. I sitting there being quiet like a freak.

"Umm...why do you think it had anything to do with that?" I ask stupidly. The feelings I have towards this guy lately weren't normal. I'm straight god damnit!

"Well, you did burn his clothes to a crisp." Liam pointed out. And I scoffed not giving in.

"I was protecting you. You have a forever person and I'm sure it's not Manny fucking Hopejoy. I mean it's not right?"

"No it's not him." Liam says exasperated and gets up off the stool and walks his bowl to the sink and turns to me and squints like he's trying to figure me out.

"Do you know who your forever person is?" I ask him holding my breath. I don't have no clue why that came out of my mouth but it did and now it's out there. I don't think I want to know the answer to this question.

"Adam? Do you really want to know?" Liam asks and crosses his arms over his bare chest and lean against the kitchen counter and continued to squertinize me. I stopped breathing and I had a weird feeling in my chest like Liam was letting on to something but I couldn't quite grasp it. But I'm fucking stupid so I nodded anyway.

"Yeah, I know who my forever person is." Liam said and unfolded his arms and leaned on the island was close to my face now. His blue orbs were swirling looking at me. I breathed out and hold his stare and prepared to ask him something else.

"Why aren't you with them, then?" Liam looked at me a couple of hard seconds but then decided to answer and leaned back from the island and I breathed a little bit more. 

"Once I tell them who they are to me there is no going back and I don't think they're ready for that."

I nod like I understand and ask something that's been bothering me since day one. Something that he does, I think that's on purpose. "Is there a reason why you refer to them as person or they? And not girl or...boy?" I ask and I had to spit that last part out like it was ledges between my teeth.

"Hmmm ...I don't think you're ready for that answer."  He says then smirks at me. My breathing stopped for a minute and Liam leaned back on the counter and it look like he was about to say something else but I got up and said; "guess I'll eat a big breakfast in the cafeteria since I didn't eat last night. Guess I'll see you there." I hurried from the island and rush to get my backpack and walked out the magical doors.


"You've got to be kidding me!"




All systems down! All doors locked!

The intercom screams and red flashing lights were going off so was warning bells.

"Sorry to inform this but all further education has stopped including lunch! Please stay in your classrooms or your dorms. We have an intruder in our school." The secretary screams out.

I've been grumpy all day because of no food and now this! I can't even eat now. The grumbling of my stomach didn't get the memo.  

"At least this won't be boring. Because for this school to be all murdery it's pretty boring." I say from my desk in my Witchery 101 class. 

"I don't think you're supposed to say that, Adam." Liam says rushing into class.

"You are such a goody..."

"AAAAAH!" A scream sounded in the halls interrupting what I was going to say to Liam.

Our classroom got deathly quiet as soon as we all heard the screams. The only sound were scared kids breathing and all our heads turned towards the door to the classroom leading into the hallway.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" We heard another student cry and footsteps running in our direction towards our classroom. Not long after we banging sended on our classroom door and most of the kids gasp some of them even cried out.

"Please! Let me in! I don't want to die!"

I was the only one who got up from my seat first to head to the door. Then everyone screamed out once for me to sit back down and even my teacher was yelling at me.

Liam was by my side in a second. "What are you doing? Are you really going to open that door?" 

"If I don't can I really call myself an hero if I just sit back and let someone die?"

Liam looked distraught but nevertheless he nodded and our team was by my side in a instant as well.

"Looks like we're finally getting some action! And putting all the training we did to use!" Nile screams out. This was actually the most I've heard him say since I got here and with so much emotion.

"Boss we're with you 100% you can count on us." Jasmine says and nods and Julie just smiles. Guess everyone is on board. Well the ones who matter. The class was still screaming at me to sit back down but I saw how desperate this kid was through the glass window of the door. He looked terrified of whatever was out there.

I started walking towards the door where the kid was still banging and that's when all hell broke loose.

"I'm not letting him open that door!" Michael Hanabee screams and fellow students yelled back in agreement and that's when several powers was aimed towards me! But like a rush of water a slow motion spell seemed to be casted on everyone but my group. I looked towards Liam and he hand his hand out towards the students seeming to be constrastrating.

"Go! This won't last long! Their powers are still coming I just slowed them down!"

My group got in a fighting stance and I saw Julie's power was electricity from the way the blue lightning dance from fingertip to fingertip as she looked at the students with deadly constrastration. Huh, I never thought I would see the day that Julie would be a viable asset. I was wrong.

Jasmine with her freezing power and Nile just looked like he was going to fight everyone. Cuz I didn't see any alter magic coming from his hands. It didn't matter Liam was the only one out of us with multiple powers. He would protect the kid if he had to.

I turned away from them and ran to the door. I catch the guy's pleading eyes and when he saw my hand reach for the lock instant relief filled his face. But as soon as I unlocked the door a blob of purplish black tentacle reached around the boy's throat and flung him from the door.

"No!" I screamed and without second thought I opened the door and ran into the hallway.

"I take it back! On second thought, a boring school is perfectly fine!" I yelled into the empty hall.

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