Chapter 1

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I hate my brother. He's so annoying. Like can you not? Go jump off a cliff for gods sake. Hes the same age as me (well I'm 17 he's a little older 18) so why does he always get what he wants? I've been asking mum for a sleepover for ages and its always

"noooo we don't have ttiiiimmmeee and you're so nooiiissyyy blah blah blah" SHE'S NOT EVEN THERE!! But suddenly Alex asks and its

"sure honey buns you don't have to ask! I'll always say yes to whatever you want because I'm a hypocrite of a mother" (Ok no she doesn't admit she's a hypocrite but she is.)

He's having 4 (yes 4) really annoying friends round to stay for 3 nights! To be honest, knowing Alex they'll stay longer. Yeah, I've never met them but they're probably annoying if they like Alex. They were probably paid to be his friend anyway.

My family completely hate me. Yes I know hate is a strong word that's why I used it. My dad was the only person who actually liked me in the family. He always took my side and let me do what I wanted, I could tell him stuff, you know what I mean? He understood me... Not many people do. But then he died. He... He got hit by a car... and my uncle was driving it. Need I say, my uncle committed suicide and that was that.

Then there's mum and Alex. The two people I hate most in my life. Like dad and I mum always takes Alex's side and let's him do what he wants. I hate them. Most days we don't even see mum cause she's on a "business trip" which lasts for at least 2 weeks. We get about 2 days a month with her. Not that I'm complaining!

I sauntered into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"What you doing?" My irritating brother asked.

"What's it look like idiot? I'm getting food." I turned and glared at him. He's like an annoying 5 year old. I'm not this moody usually with any other person on this planet but when you're with Alex...

"Don't do that! You're fat enough anyways!" Then he started laughing like a hyaena and walked off clutching his sides then stomping up the stairs like an elephant and going into his room. This is why I hate him. He doesn't realise I'm already self conscious of my body and I don't normally eat and now he's put me off. To be honest I should thank him as I was fasting, and nearly broke it.

I slammed the fridge shut and made the drinks on top of it fall over and roll down the back. I don't care. The cleaners can come and get them.


"What?" my brother shouted down the stairs to me.

"When are your..." I hesitated. "'friends' comi-"


He poked his head out of his room, which was right next to the stairs, and looked down at me like the Cheshire Cat.

"Now" he said and flew down the stairs, pushing past me on the way. He opened the door to four dorks all smiling cheerily. Actually... They weren't that bad looking...

"EYYY! Mikey! Muh man" and Michael walked in. He had lime green hair and the nicest eyes. He was quite pale but seriously cute. He was shy but then he got more confident. His lips were so soft and he had sweater paws!!

"Ashtooooonnnn." Alex said winking at the next guy. He was smaller than Michael. He had soft brown curly hair and chocolate eyes that you could get lost in. Ashton did this kind of 4-year-old-girl giggle and they bro hugged. He seemed quite confident.

"CalPal!" Guessing his name is Calum? Calum had amazing biceps and a really nice tan. He had blackish hair that was a bit shaved at the sides but mostly hair. It kind of flopped on his forehead and you could consider it to have curls. Calum smiled and I died a little inside. His eyes scrunching up and... Wow. Calum playfully punched Alex's arm. I would punch it a whole lot harder than that.

"Lukey Pookey!" Alex said hugging the next guy. The next guy... The next guy who had the iciest blue eyes but could still warming you up inside. The next guy who had a blonde quiff which was higher than my grades. The next guy who was so shy and did this cute foot thing which I do where you put one on the other but your heels apart. The next guy who was nervously biting his lip ring which turned me on. The next guy who was like a living sexy slender man because he was so tall. The next guy Luke... Luke.

"Hey Alex" he said quietly. I just wanted to melt. His voice so deep and so alluring. I was standing at the top of the stairs watching all of this take place and I had quite a good spot watching what they were doing, when Alex decides that they should go into his room.

He ran up the stairs taking them two at a time and pushed past me. I was in a daze thinking of how 4 hot guys were in my house right now when Alex pushed past me.

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