Chapter 2

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Michael looked up at me and smiled. I got an attack of butterflies in my stomach. He walked past me. Then Ashton smiled and waved at me my heart sinking but still walked past me into Alex's smelly bedroom. Then Calum said hey to me and I cringed at his voice hearing how sexy it sounded. Then there was Luke. He was looking at the carpet on the stairs. When he almost got to me he looked up at me and I got an abrupt feeling of nausea in my stomach as he did so, so I fiddle with my sleeves. He was just in my line of vision without him noticing and I could see him just standing there in awe staring at me. I could feel my cheeks heating up...

"Luke did you die or something?" said Ashton giggling as he stuck his head around.

"Uhh- umm- no my- uhh- thing was caught..." he stuttered and rushed off past me. I got up and went into my bedroom which unfortunately but fortunately was next to Alex's. I closed my door and listened through the wall.

They were all whispering because , I guess, they didn't want me to hear. But I could. Ha.

L - "Alex you never told me you had a sister!"

Al - "So? Who cares about her? She's just annoying please ignore her."

Wow. Thanks Alex.

L - "I don't think I can..." Luke mumbled but no one in there took any notice but me.

C - "Well I think she's cute."

Al - "Ew. Dude. Not cool."

As - "Aw c'mon don't be so mean!"

Al - "She hates me I hate her. Cycle of life dude." I rolled my eyes at this.

M - "Well I'd fuck her any day!" he giggled.

After that there was silence because Michael had said that pretty loudly and I think they thought I heard. They stayed silent until I heard someone get up and was coming closer to my room.

I ran and flopped on my bed, putting my ear plugs in and playing mayday parades ocean and atlantic. Luke then entered my room. I pretended I didn't hear or see him come in. He coughed for my attention.

"Yes?" I looked at him. He looked terrified. Am I really looking that bad today?

"Uhh- Just... Ignore us, yeah? We'll just... annoy you." He said biting his lip ring, a smile tugging onto his lips. I let out the tiniest moan. I couldn't help it! To cover it up I nodded my head and smiled at him. Then I looked back at my screen like I didn't want to stare at his face for eternity.

"What you - uhh - listening too?" he asked nervously. He was seriously in my hot list right now. I gestured him over and he looked at the screen displaying the words "Ocean and Atlantic - Mayday Parade". He looked at me and stared.

" I love that song! Its one of my favourites!" he said getting excited. This is like the only person I know who also likes this song.I smiled genuinely as he looked through my playlists and loved all of my song choices. I'm so digging him right now.

"Luke for gods sake stop hitting on Alex's sister!" Calum shouted. Luke blushed bright red and ran out. Before he did he waved and then closed the door behind him.

"Wow..." I muttered to myself.

"Sorry?" he said coming back in. I shook my head. He shrugged and left again. I instantly got up and went into the kitchen to get some water. I needed it. It was getting hot up there!

I looked out into the garden as I was drinking my water and stared at my mums summer house. It was a little wooden cabin painted a pale blue and white. Inside it was so cosy! It had a bed, a TV, a table, a wardrobe, a phone, kettle, toaster, mini fridge! It was amazing. That's where I like to go and sing. Its also usually where I go and sleep if Alex has friends over but not today I won't be. I opened the back door and felt the cold wind against the little skin that was showing as I was wearing black skinny jeans, a short sleeved black green day top and black converses. The back of my neck was hidden too as my thin long straight dark-brown-which-has-a-slight-hint-of-dark-red hair scaled down my back.

As I walked down to the cabin, my cat followed behind. My cat is basically the only friend I have. He's a tabby called Luke. Which is weird because I like the human Luke and the cat Luke...

I scooped him up in my arms and he began to pur. Luke (the cat) is the only thing to have heard me sing. Singing is my life. I love it. And I'll never stop loving it.

I opened the door and went inside and put Luke down on the rug. He jumped up on the bed and curled up. I sat next to him and stroked him for a bit until I finally got out my camera. I have a YouTube channel and I sing on it but I'm so shy I wouldn't dare sing anywhere near Alex. I turned it on and introduced myself. A routine I do all the time.

"Hey guys so today I was planning on singing my own song instead of a cover. I don't think I've done a song written by me for you guys. Anyway, sorry if it sucks..." and with that I started the song. I can't play guitar even though I have wanted to for I don't know how many years but I can play piano. Unfortunately you can't fit a piano in a cabin...

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